What's going on????????
GAG order from the editors?
Someone needs to get on this!!!!
by DannyHaszard 25 Replies latest watchtower scandals
What's going on????????
GAG order from the editors?
Someone needs to get on this!!!!
Read the comments,consider adding your own-Danny Haszard Bangor Maine
They are all there good ones too,JWD doesn't enable you to get it there for some reason due to some odd quirk
edit-it looks like you may have to go to the Google search bar click news and type Jehovah's Witnesses near the top in rank
Reader comments
Danny Haszard of Bangor, ME Oct 12, 2007 4:34 PM The inflammatory rhetoric of Jehovah's Witnesses cult defenders sound just like Jim Jones of Jonestown (1979) or David Koresh of Waco.
You are scary.
PropMin of Wichita, KS Oct 12, 2007 4:32 PM The biggest problem Witnesses have is they don't know the history of their own organization; the same one that claims God only uses them and their "governing body" to dispense "truth".
Take a look at the quotes;
Johnny Ringo says Im a liar (I forgive you Johnny...).
Take a look for yourself.
Question; am I?
Tim of Weld, ME Oct 12, 2007 4:10 PM So YOU believe Johnny Ringo. There are a whole lot more of us who believe differently.
Your brand of superstition is no more "right" than anyone elses. And those who believe and say otherwise are no more liars than you.
JW is no different from any of the other religions sects....fraudulent, righteous stupidity wrapped in false piety....swallowed whole by the feeble minded.
Firebreather of Conway, NH Oct 12, 2007 3:53 PM Well, I was involved with the JW's for 35 yrs of my life, I left after a major doctrine change (1914 change in the 90's) during this time I watch them destroy my family, I saw friends die because of their doctrines and I watched people goals and careers changed into what this group wanted them to do with their life. The bottom line, this group was founded on a man that predicted dates of the end of the world based on the pyramids and astrology. These dates can be found in their own literature 1874,1914,1915,1925,1975 and many more. The bible tells how to identify a false prophet and not to follow them.Don't let them fool you with their love! its very conditional based on the amount of hours they knock on doors a month, and these hours are reported to the JW HQ and your acceptance with them depends on your level of selling their literature. Can you say CULT? Be careful! I spend much time running a recovery website warning others because of what this group has done to my family.Don't get me wrong, JW's are nice people, but they are dangerously misled.
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well brothers and sisters they will soon have a couple new posts from someone named truthseeker.............
well brothers and sisters they will soon have a couple new posts from someone named truthseeker.............
Check this out another JW with a college education
Top teachers: Jacky Schaffer, Shirley Hills Elementary School comment
Macon Telegraph, GA - 1 hour ago
I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses and spend weekends and holidays participating in the public ministry. I especially enjoy using the skills I've learned in ...
Jehovah’s Witnesses are like onions. After you pull back the protective layer that they want you to see, you find things that most people in the world know nothing about.
Readers of this article deserve to know the truth lest they innocently become Jehovah Witness victims themselves by thinking, "Oh, what a nice group of people. Maybe I'll talk to them the next time they come to my door." Remember, Jim Jones was once considered "harmless" too.
Write to me through my website for information they don't want you to learn.
Brenda Lee, author: "Out of the Cocoon: A Young Woman's Courageous Flight from the Grip of a Religious Cult," www.outofthecocoon.net
They are not all like what this person said, I think to be honest and fair, it would be unchristian to exagerate and over react, most witnesses are honest hard working people that believe what they do is right. Sure you get some rat bags in the org and gossipers, and the usual but so do other religions.
Some horrid people in the org, but there are there are many more very good people, my family being some of them thank you, not all are over the top either, and some take no notice of what the society says on some things. Next time they come to youre door, try and remember they are doing what Jesus commanded them to do to preach about the Kingdom, and most do it out of love, believe it or not they do care about people. If you don't want them there then tell them not to call again and they wont, you know don't you, didn't you go out at one time, so why all the drama.
This is TOP rank on the News as I type Non-Christian Christians: A look at three religions ProgressiveU.org, CA - 2 hours ago Jehovah's Witnesses believe that it is their Christian responsibility to be model citizens. For this reason, they honor and respect governmental authority. ... |
all three that believe in a mono God, though I thought the Mormons believed in Jesus and God as one but the Holy Spirit seperate.
So because they don't believe in the Trinity they are not Christian, well I say because they do believe in the Trinity they are pagan and therefore could not be Christian, as Jesus said I am the Son of the Living God, the Father is greater than I am and so many more as you probably know.
But paradoxly, the pagans may show more Christ like love and qualities than the Trinity worshipers, or than the JW, Mormons and Jews, and vice versa.
So a Christian obviously is a follower of Jesus someone that follows his example listens to him and practices what they believe.