hindered prayers says my wife...so I stopped

by oompa 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    My wife went through something similar with me. She kept asking early on if I was praying
    for guidance and reading the Bible. I said I was doing research and prayer was part of that.
    That's true, but it's misleading just like an average Watchtower article.

    Anyway, she kept asking me to pray before meals. I kept doing this past the time I stopped
    going to the Kingdom Hall. At first she didn't notice that I dropped "Jehovah" from the prayer
    because it sounded fairly normal otherwise. Then she didn't say anything when that continued
    and every prayer included a request that we would be blessed with an ability to understand
    God's will and the desire to seek it out and use our minds to the fullest.

    She started saying her own silent prayer about a month into that. But I wouldn't be surprised if
    she asks me to say the prayer tomorrow, again. She'll get something like

    Our father in the heavens,
    we thank you for giving us everything. You gave us the food before us and you created us with
    the ability to learn your will. We pray that we never take either for granted. We want to appreciate
    the bounteous provisions of food you give by continuing to go to work and providing the income for
    the food, using the minds and talents you gave us, and we want to continue reading and meditating
    information that helps us learn what your will is. We pray that we seek out accurate knowledge of
    truth, never assuming any dictates of men to be correct, but always using our minds and resources
    to verify truth and your will for ourselves. We pray that our marriage continues to bring peace and
    blessings to us both, and that we give each other every reason to continue in a trusting relationship
    of love. We pray to you in the name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

    (I know, reading prayers on JWD is strange, but Mouthy did it, so can I.) That's what they sounded like
    when the wife finally stopped asking me to do them.

  • oompa

    OMG OMG OTWO we are freaking siamese twins!!!!!!!!!!!!-----

    Anyway, she kept asking me to pray before meals. I kept doing this past the time I stopped
    going to the Kingdom Hall. At first she didn't notice that I dropped "Jehovah" from the prayer
    because it sounded fairly normal otherwise. Then she didn't say anything when that continued
    and every prayer included a request that we would be blessed with an ability to understand
    God's will and the desire to seek it out and use our minds to the fullest.

    this is scary.....oompa

  • OnTheWayOut
    OMG OMG OTWO we are freaking siamese twins!!!!!!!!!!!!-----

    Not Siamese twins. Just regular identical twins separated at birth somehow.

    I hope your teeth are better than mine, and you got richer parents than I did.

    Do you suppose I was misplaced or you were? Who is actually with the real
    family and who is with the wrong one?

    What's even scarier is that my age is not quite accurate on JWD. It might be closer to
    what your age is. If you fudged yours a bit, then they might be the same.

  • LtCmd.Lore

    Good for you!

    food tastes the same


    Funny how that works isn't it?

    You'll find it works just as well if you pray to Satan, Invisible Pink Unicorn, or Flying Spaghetti monster.

    "Oh great Flying Spaghetti Monster, thanks for this food. Even though we worked all week to get it and didn't notice any divine alterations in our paychecks or spontaneously materializing meatballs, we thank you anyways.

    Please bless the Scientists for the genetically engineered faster growing and better tasting food. And bless the farmers who spent the past couple thousand years selectively breeding this food to make it better and almost disease free.

    Maybe you'll get it right next time.

    We also thank you for Betty's quick recovery. Of course she was pumped full of helpful drugs, and had the attention of skilled and hard-working doctors and a team of nurses, a huge amount of research into medical science on her side, and she's always been a sturdy woman. But I'm sure you did something.

    Please bless us this day, and protect us. But don't feel pressured either, if one of us dies suddenly we won't blame you, even though we specifically asked for protection.

    May everyone enjoy your noodly appendages,


    Lore - W.W.S.D?

  • Scully

    What gives any JW the right to judge that someone else's prayers have been hindered? What a lot of nerve!!

  • mimimimi

    I would tell her that God does not need the Watchtower Society to determine for him which prayers are approved and which are not.

  • V1710

    rather than formally pray at meals or anytime i think of all i'm grateful for. just because you aren't praying according to jw's mold doesn't mean you're a lost cause.


    "The food taste`s the same"..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • tula

    I know there is some scripture about perfunctory prayer. And I think the scripture says that type of prayer is not acceptable. To me that means any type of prayer when you make a show for others or when the prayer is given as a duty, obligation, or ritual. Any prayer that is routine and superficial would not be acceptable. I wish I knew the scriptures to uphold that, but I bet you can find them, oompa.

    I would quote her the scripture that Jesus said when he gave instruction on how to pray. He said not to make a show of it and to go into your closet to pray. And then, I would take my plate from the table and tell her I'll pray somewhere else in private where its more acceptable to God. Then, I take my dinner and watch TV in the other room and let her eat by herself for awhile.

    If she has any sense she should be praying for her loss of good company and companionship!

  • Iron Rod
    Iron Rod

    Franklin D. Roosevelt: "...only thing we have to fear is fear itself."

    Patrick Henry: "Give me liberty or give me death."

    Oompa:"...food tastes the same..."

    Absolute genius! ( Not to mention LMAO funny! )

    Bravo! Way to cut through the B.S. oompa!

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