I got to see Cosby several years ago at a local university. Smoking wasn't allowed anywhere in the auditorium so he just chewed on a very long, very thick stogie. He was soooo funny.
One of the funnier things he talked about was his pre-teen daughter's fascination with breasts. She couldn't understand why she wasn't developing as fast as some of her schoolmates so he and his wife invented the 'breast fairy'. The breast fairy was sort of like the tooth fairy in that she visited when little girls were sleeping. If the girl had been good that day then the breast fairy had a device much like a bicycle pump that she would use to give two puffs into the girls chest to make it grow. If the girl had been bad that day then the breast fairy wouldn't use the breast bicycle pump on her that night. He had the hardest time explaining to his daughter why one girl who acted so bad at school seemed to be continuously 'pumped up' by the breast fairy each night.