O.K. you guys I kind of half/assed figured out how to post the picture of the Bigfoot footprint . Although it is above my title of this thread ! LOL! I'm so intelligent . Not. Anyway if you scroll upwards here, then scroll your screen and make the picture go left you will see the footprint my son and his girlfriend found a month ago hiking in the same spt my son and I did this weekend. Anyway, that is a legitimate photograph, has not been tampered with . The footprint is 14 inches long by 6 to 7 inches wide , from what my son told me.
So my son and my trip went great this last weekend. We did not see any new footprints or hear any vocalizations , however when we turned a corner way up above the river , hundreds of feet below us , we both distinctly heard someone pounding rocks together down near the river . There was not any other humans where we went on this steep remote hike into the canyon. One day we bushwacked up a remote untrailed canyon and did not see anything except remains of an old miner who had camped a little up this untrailed stream and canyon. Old boot, hose, clothes weird stuff. That canyon was cold at nightso son and I decided to camp further down the next night to the main river canyon where his girlfriend and him had seen the footprint near their camp in a marshy , bushy area.
So we hiked down to the spot , and my son noticed something interesting. He was pretty sure nobody had been there in 3 weeks to the campsite because all the firewood he left was still there. But he noticed that a 30 foot long by foot and a half to two foot round downed big limb from a tree had been moved 4 to 5 feet alongside the trail. You could see where this tree had been embedded in the ground , probably 6 inches deep, it was not on the trail, but to the north of it 6 feet . But something big and strong had to be able to lift this huge tree limb and move it 4 to 5 feet. It was way too big for a human to move. And the tall grassy, bushy area where my son had seen this footprint, had all been smashed down like something had laid there or broken through the bushes, something big. So that's pretty much all we saw. Caught some nice trout, one being 16 inches and about 3 lbs., so that was tasty. I have read in Bigfoot experiences related that they pound rocks to communicate with each other, or warn off humans. Maybe that is what we heard when we were high on the mountain going into this remote canyon. Who knows ?
But, next May we are going to the original spot up in that area where my son heard one of these beasts screaming at him . It is a little easier hike, on a flattened ridge on top of a mountain area. So we can camp at a nearby lake a mile away. But, we will just haveto let winter come and go, and we shall see what happens. So goes the continuing story of Mr. Flipper and son's pursuit of Bigfoot. Hope you liked the picture. I hope it posts, or I'll have more mud on my face than I already do. Peace to you all, all comments are welcome. I enjoy your thoughts, even the funny ones