Do Jehovah's Witnesses REALLY Love Others?

by minimus 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Victorian sky
    Victorian sky

    JWs want to really love people but they can't. When you are asked over and over again: Who do you love more? Jehovah or your mom? Your husband? Your best friend? How do you reply to that? Years of brainwashing, conditioned responses and massive guilt trips have resulted in cruel and unnatural behavior by otherwise good people. My In Laws are a case in point. They were wondeful people unitl they found out that we were not only inactive but Christians when they found out we go to church that was it. These good, 'loving' people not only shun their only son and me but my father in law hasn't even seen our son and he's nearly a year old. He is welcome to see our child but he won't because we're no longer 'in the truth'. How sick and twisted is that? JWs are the saddest people in the world and many of them don't even know it.

  • changeling

    That's just a silly question minimus. Anyone who's been a witness for any length of time knows their attitude towards non-witnesses is anything but loving.

    As far as they are concerned they are all wicked spawns of Satan and Armageddon can't come soon enough to destroy them all.

    They continue to preach the "good news" not out of love of neighbor but to save their own hide.


  • Reefton Jack
    Reefton Jack

    Even when I was a JW, I never could fathom out those who reckoned that they were attracted to the "Truth" by the love that they saw displayed at the Kingdom Hall.
    At one stage, I actually thought that there must be a point that I was missing somewhere!

    In recent years, I have been impressed by the old friends that I had before the WT Madness took hold.
    They are still prepared to accept me now as a friend:
    - even though back then they must surely have thought that I had blown a fuse upstairs somewhere!

    Contrast that with the Dubs, who as policy make use of the cruel practice of shunning:
    -a practice carried out deliberately because it is cruel.


  • B.A.S.F.

    Summer, Sorry to say, you are just the new flavor of the month. I wonder how many others thought they too would never become a jw. I know I did. I actually started studying to prove them wrong. Slowly the sugar coated poison seeped into my brain and I spent the next 22 yrs drowning in it. There was so much back biting, gossiping, spying, lying etc it makes me want to gag when I think about it. Leaving the wto cost me my relationship with my daughter, son-in-law and grandson. My husband remains a robot and his friends love to come by the house and shun me. You can see the self righteous glee on their faces. My advice to you is, keep your mind open and learn from those of us who had our lives stolen from us to serve a man made hierarchy. Treasure your freedom!

  • jaguarbass

    I think most of them are sociopaths.

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