Nice format, good graphics and an excellent treatment of the subject. I like the parallels to ancient Jewish communities. I think a better summary of all the information would tie it all together nicely and leave the reader with something.
Some additional points I would add would be:
In the section dealing with the Society as God's Sole channel of communicion: They claim an exclusive audience with Jehovah where divine direction is dispensed to the FDS which is in stark contrast to their record of erroneous, retracted teachings, predictions and doctrinal flip-flops. A few that come to mind are:
1) The identity of the "King of the North" is The Papacy, then the Nazi Regime, then the Soviet Bloc, and now who knows?
2) The 1260 Days mentioned in Daniel ch 12 means interpretation A, then interpretation B, then back to Interpretation A, and now interpretation C.
3) And of course the litany of false doomsdays predicted over the years.
All of this belies the claim of divine direction.
If I may suggest another point, the Society's claims of the historicity of the FDS compared with the actual historical record are extremely doubtful. For example:
1) The claim that the FDS existed unbroken from the time of Jesus until today.
Who was the FDS before Russel? Did Russell consult this FDS or did he just create his own new religious following?
Who was the FDS 500, 1000 or 1500 years ago? Where's the proof of this claim?
Why wasn't the FDS chosen by Jehovah to establish the Bible canon we have today instead of the Catholic Church in the 4th and 5th centuries C.E.?. What was the FDS doing then? Isn't it inconsistant to claim the FDS is responsible for spiritual truths yet in this instance an apostate organization was employed for this most sacred of duties?
Great Job,