My new goal re new Generation light

by 5thGeneration 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • 5thGeneration

    If the 'new light' on 'Generation' discussed earlier is accurate then it certainly will move me to continue on in my ministry.

    I was slacking off because I thought the preaching work was near complete without growth! Now I can be confident that in 10 or 20 years the Society will simply announce that a new batch of brothers have started partaking, the Generation will continue and it is a sign that Jehovah has provided more time for people to come into the truth!

    Another fine blessing!


  • zack

    Lots and lots of "replacements" in heaven, don't you think? Maybe the former crop of anointed were part of the many who were "called" and not "chosen" so

    God has to have a new batch "called" and so choose from these. Perhaps they won't be as thankless as their replaced brethren?

  • free2beme

    How new is understanding that came out in 1995?

  • BabaYaga

    Free2Be... have you not heard... there are several threads on the subject. All conjecture at this point as it has "leaked" from the Annual Meeting at Bethel and it is not in print... but apparently new light will be released in January that This Generation pertains to THE ANNOINTED.


  • Watkins

    If the 'new light' on 'Generation' discussed earlier is accurate then it certainly will move me to continue on in my ministry.

    Well, if 'new light' turns ya on, 5th..... I don't know what to tell ya.... But if an OLD short-circuited light trips yer switch, check this out. --------

    W 15. Feb. 1927, p. 62 Question: In Matthew 24:34 Jesus said: "Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled." What did he mean by "this generation" ? Answer: It could hardly be said that he meant any human being living on the earth at that time. He was giving testimony concerning things that were to transspire at the end of the world. That was a long way off. No generation of the human race has ever existed as long as a thousand years. It follows then that Jesus must have meant something else. What could he have meant ? At the Jordan Jehovah started a new generation, a new creation, of which Christ Jesus is the Head. Jesus selected twelve disciples, who were with him for three and one-half years. Eleven of these we have every reason to believe constitute a part of that new creation. In 1 Peter 2:9 the apostle, speaking to the church of course, referred to those who are faithful. The irresistible conclusion therefore is that Jesus referred to the new creation when he said: "This generation shall not pass until all these things be fulfilled." This then would be a strong indication that some members of the new creation will be on the earth at the time of Armageddon.

    Looks like the WTS was into 'recycling' w-a-a-a-a-y before it was cool!


    btw - notice it's an 'irresistible conclusion'? Lol. I can resist.

  • RollerDave

    hey, we are supposed to be in the 'spiritual paradise' right? It is a reflection of the Kingdom of God, they tell us.

    Maybe that's why they need so many 'replacements'.. High turnover!

    Maybe they have JC's and disfellowshipping up there, I mean it is supposedly a 'loving arrangement', right?

    Do they also have cheap, polyester robes?

    Having to put up with all that crap seems like a steep price to pay for a little snack of stale bread and warm wine.


  • 5thGeneration

    The topic of the 144,000 is one of my greatest pet peeves. It is so ridiculous and getting worse.

    The Society insists that 144,000 is a literal number.

    The Society insists that every member in the first century congregation were of the anointed.

    Josephus said that there were between 500,000 and a Million first century Christians!



  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Hey 5th,

    Didn't you know JOSEPHUS was an APOSTATE!

    He can't be trusted!

  • OnTheWayOut

    Expect the "members only" mag to eventually reveal that many of the partakers
    are and were mistaken whackos.

    What I mean is, they will say that many of today's partakers are wrong, but it is
    not for them to say- so there is nothing they can do.

    They might also hint that many partakers in the past were really "other sheep"
    who were also wrong, but the FDS was so focused on gathering that number
    that many got swept up in the frenzy.

    Due to these whackos (mistaken brothers and sisters) they will discontinue
    publishing the number of partakers, since it doesn't reflect accurate remnant
    numbers. "Rest assured, brothers- the Governing Body is made up of
    legitimate anointed remnant members. Just listen to us."

  • R.F.

    I agree on all those points you posted OTWO.

    Discontinuing the publishing of the memorial partakers is something i've been thinking about. I can imagine the article now saying that focus shouldn't be on the number, "just remember the end is near". Also, "the GB are genuine anointed, just look at all the accomplishments in Jehovah's organization".

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