Do any of you enjoy lighting incense? If so, what is your favourite scent? Which reminds me...I always light a stick of incense an hour or so before the "girls" show up for study. They always mention that my house smells so nice {I am part of the 'love bombing' right now, remember?} At some point, I mentioned that I burn incense every day. Well, sure enough!!! I was asked if I burn it only because I enjoy the fragrances or if it has any 'religious' connotation attached to it. I quietly replied..."I enjoy the scent." And thought..."I'll be damned if anyone ever tells me I have to stop burning incense!!!"
by *summer* 29 Replies latest jw friends
emy the infidel
Oh yes Summer. We have a cute little log-cabin incense burner, the smoke comes out of the little chimney. The only stick we have right now is called "christmas memories", smells like pine cones. I always liked the musk incense a lot too.
I LOVE it!!! I burn it every chance I get but the Honey has a hard time and usually sneezes (dang!)
My favorite pre-made incense is Nag Champa (the recognizable blue box) and lately I have ordered resin insence and the little charcoal burner pucks online. OH man it is heavenly... it is just sap "rocks" (frankincense, myrrh, and other resins) that burn on a flat puck similar to regular barbecue charcoal briquettes.
Scent is such a huge factor in memories and creating an environment... the resins I use just seem to bring about a real spiritual atmosphere (sorry if that sounds wacky, it is beautiful and true!)
Baba -
Oh, and by the way, Summer... just wanted to let you know that incense HAS indeed been a subject discussed in Watchtower literature... in the 1970's an article came out about it being pretty much a "conscience" matter (but to be careful of "stumbling" anyone who might not approve.)
Anybody have access to the indexes who can back me up on this?
IN FACT!!! This is hilarious because it has reminded me of the fact that my dearly departed Mom was a "householder" for a Ministerial School TALK on the matter! Mom's role was the one who was burning the incense to freshen the house, and the dutiful witness (talk-giver) read scriptures on why using it as an air-freshener is okay, but we wouldn't want to bring reproach (or whatever else they wanted to call it.)
Yep. I know. It boggles the mind. I remember kind of panicking even as a kid, not wanting to give up my incense.
Baba. -
I burn incense everyday. I like how the next morning you can still smell the scent the next morning.
I like the rain the mulberry and sex on the beach scents.
Try burning "sex onteh beach" next time or "butt naked' and when they come by next time. When they ask oh what's that smell tell them it's sex on the
this is my all time favorite. I burn it nearly everyday.
lisavegas..... that's my favorite too.
Lisa vegas
isn't that the one that smells like pot?
Baba...are you referring to this???
My wife is always burning those &%$ing scented candles and it irritates my sinuses to no end. I don't like the house smelling like "chick scents" either. When my wife is away at work I have the windows open (weather permitting) all day just so it does not smell like a French whorehouse all the time.
What's wrong with a house just smelling like nothing at all?