JWs Do NOT Care About Getting Converts. They Really Don't!

by minimus 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    If JWs REALLY cared about making disciples they would never use outdated ways to get their "lifesaving message" across. Knocking on doors, KNOWING that MOST people aren't at home, is simply a waste of time. Driving around from one part of town to the other side in order to stretch your time, while doing return visits is simply a way to NOT reach people as quickly as possible.

    Doing the "pioneer shuffle" is another method to waste time. Pioneers are known to survey the territory and very very s l o w l y agonizingly walk the street.

    Elders are known to either stay in their cars and talk "very important elder talk" (their taking the lead) or they'll wind up talking to each other on a street corner while the service group waits for their next instruction.

    Now let's say a publisher finds some interest and leaves a magazine or brochure, then what?? How long does it actually take before that householder is found again?? Weeks or more likely MONTHS??? Either the person is never home or the publisher just doesn't go out all that much so another opportunity is lost!

    Telephone witnessing is a horrible idea! Do you know how many people I hang up on every week that try to sell me their services?? NO ONE wants to be talking to a telemarketer.

    Now here's what I think: if the "End" is sooooooooooooooooooooooo close, clooooooooooooooooser than ever before, the Society should take their billions and use the media to effectively get the message across and save billions of lives....but they'll never do that because they REALLY don't care!

  • Finally-Free

    My ex was very conscientious about following up on any "interest" and always had many "studies". On the other hand, a "study" was the last thing I wanted. I had a lot of friends before I was a JW, and none after I joined the cult. I didn't want to be responsible for anyone losing their entire social life, so I rarely did "return visits".


  • free2beme

    They did in the past, now it is just about running through the paces and patting themselves on the back for medeocre advancements and controlling those still in.

  • minimus

    You are correct! Almost no one wanted the responsibility of having a regular Bible study. If a JW typically doesn't want to study with another, they'll never have any converts.

  • Awakened07

    As free2beme mentioned, they used to use speaker-cars and radio stations to spread the news, but strangely and ironically enough they have gone in the opposite direction when it comes to using technology the closer the end gets.

  • moshe

    I would think that only the needy and socially osolated types might be interested in a JW Bible study. I remember one study an elder had with a semi-retired farmer- he was a widower and liked the elder's company during the off season, but he was too busy during the summer. This study went on for years. I just can't see anyone who has the Internet having more than a couple studies before he finds out what ex-JW's have to report on the WT Org. Getting time is all that counts now with JW's. They raced through the neigborhood with their tracts last year and wouldn't stop to talk to people- dump it and run.

  • minimus

    Regarding professional Bible students who study for years, what's up with that??

    In the late 60s, if someone didn't get baptized within 6 months, they were canned. Of course many of those that got a quick education into too early baptism left anyway.

  • BizzyBee

    They just want to 'go through the motions' - no where is that more evident than in the FS. After discussing child abuse, 1914, blood, etc., at my door, a frustrated elder finally said to me:


    I smiled sweetly and said, "not."

    He smiled equally fake-smarmy-sweet and said, "Then you have yourself a nice day."


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    From what I was told, JW's are going on the net into chat rooms to try to start studies. Mostly for people in countries that are banned

  • minimus

    wha happened, that's funny.

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