Is this sacred service?

by llbh 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • llbh

    Hi Everyone

    I have had a bad day and thought that I eould share it with you to either cheer you up - glad I am not him.

    Story - my in laws are moving to a flat/appartment, and they had a load of rubbish to be moved from there by today so that the workmen can finish tommorow.They (the in laws) can not do to much as they are quite infirm. Guess who did - in one - me! I said to my JW wife as i ran to her the meeting would really appreciate a hand here, she indicated that she really could not as she must get to meeting. Is this sacred service?

  • RollerDave

    Sounds more like sacred avoidance to me.

    You're a good man for doing the right thing by your in-laws in spite of seeing how you are being used. If you don't do it, who will? and it needs doing, so you brace your shoulder and heave.

    Now THAT'S a sacred service.


  • *summer*

    YES...what you did was sacred service. And you should be proud of yourself. Your heart is at the right place*

  • MadTiger

    It is as sacred as you will it to be.

  • llbh

    Hi madtiger et al. I should have made the point that i do not consider what I did sacred. My wife thought that going to the meeting was more important than helping her ageing parents to move in. The meeting to her was sacred service , my point to her helping was helping her mum & dad could also be a form of sacred service for her

    regards llbh

  • Guest with Questions
    Guest with Questions

    Hi llbh,

    You say that it had to be done today and the daughter, your wife, was unable to help her own parents who are infirm? If what you say is true then I say that what you did showed more heart, concern, than what your wife did, if you helped ungrudjingly. I don't want to add any fuel to the fire but I do think that your wife has her priorities a bit screwed up if that was truly the case. Was there no one from the congregation to help? No friends?

  • llbh

    Hi guest with questions,

    That was my point to my wife, ie she had her priorities a little mixed up. Her parents have never been JW's. They have other family members who I think could be more helpful, they make heplful noises when asked, then excuse themselves.

    I new how important it was to them so I just did it but was upset with my wife for not helping despite my pleas. yet she could go on the service yesterday and today plus the meeting.

    regards llbh

  • alanv

    This is perfectly normal in JW land. They are totally indoctranated that if they miss a meeting they are showing spiritual weekness. Years ago my wfie and I saved up and paid for some theatre tickets for something my in laws would have enjoyed on their wedding anniversary. A week later we found out they didn't go because someone asked my father in law who was an elder to do an assignment that night. Needless to say the tickets went in the bin.

    He felt he would be looked down upon if he didn't do this assignment from Jehovah! Sacred service is totally centred on the society. Family will always come second.

  • llbh

    Hi Alanv that is exactly what I think family and friends alwayy come second.

    btw welcome to board

    regards llbh

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles
    My wife thought that going to the meeting was more important than helping her ageing parents to move in.

    So much for "Honouring your parents" eh?

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