Hell Yeah!!!
Van and John Lee Hooker doing "Gloria" , gaawwd dayum! This is the way I do it with the band on Jam night at the local dives. . .
And for you purists . . . the original . . . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yH20JpkBhxY
A little story . . I started playing the guitar when I was 12, begged and whined till my mom bought me a Sears Silvertone acoustic for $29.99 in 1965. If she was Catholic she'd be a saint for sure . .
I played and sang "Gloria" acapella with a Gibson ES-330 and a Fender Bandmaster Amp in my HS talent show in 1969 and WON!! My parents found out when my name was in the local paper . . . My old man beat me within an inch and grounded me for ever . . . not a good "witness" ya know . . he was gonna smash my Gibson . . I told him if he did I would kill him . . . he didn't. To this day he has NEVER acknowledged my musical talent . . .
Music was a large part of my path out of the Kult . . .