I have been reading with interest the news of the next change in the generation teaching. Does anyone have any substantive proof that this change will be made? It could be a big con to get us all excited and tell others about it and reveal that we are, wait for it, APOSTATE!! Maybe I am being cynical however I will not be saying too much before I read it for myself in the pages of the 'secret' watchtower.
Are we being conned re new light?
by why144000 13 Replies latest jw friends
I don't think you you're scenario makes a whole lot of sense. How would the society separate those that found out about the annual meeting announcement from "apostates" from those that heard about it from JWs that were in attendance?
Anyone wishing to keep their fade in tact does well to keep their mouths shut for now, however. The question that JWs will ask if you tell them about the new light is how you found out. If you don't know someone who was present at the annual meeting, the logical assumption might be that you got that information from apostates.
Just suggesting that it may not have been such a big issue at the annual meeting and there is no change to the old new light.
Any time there is new light, it's big news. I think it's good to be suspicious about unsubstantiated rumors, but the same information has been coming through from a few different people. Because of the multiple sources, I doubt the rumor is false. However, I won't be saying anything about it to my JW family until it's in print.
am I just and old fart or does true changes in teachings only come out in printed WT material, usually the WT? Not at annual meetings or conventions.....oompa
New light has often through history come in a talk first, usually at an assembly, and then some time later in the Watchtower (or sometimes Awake!).
A few years back, maybe 7 or 8 years ago, some new light having do with interpreting certain passages in the book of Ezequiel came out in a talk during a district convention. A few months later, it was the focus of a 2 part WT study. I don't really remember the specifics or how the new understanding was different from the old understanding, but I think it had something to do with a vision of the temple, or some such thing.
Now I do remember some minor changes coming a DC talks, but they were always later printed in WT. I really cant recall Awake being used this way, but my memory is fading just like me. I was always taught to never believe it til you see it in the WT...lmao....oompa....what a great dad/elder
You probably don't remember, but in September last year I started a thread about an anticipated November KM insert about blood.
http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/121104/1.ashx No one on the board knew about it. As we know it duly arrived.
Well that same source (who was at the AGM) confirmed the much talked about "New light on the generation" was
part of the AGM program.
The manuscript DC talks are usually future Watchtower articles. One outstanding example was the changed understanding regarding the timing of events from Matthew 24 and 25, Luke 21, and Mark 13 revealed at the 1993 District Convention. That was a huge change that paved the way for the 1995 change in the meaning of "generation".
The "new light" sometimes hits first at the Annual Meeting but is most often revealed at the DC, followed by Watchtower articles.