What kind of unusual sacrifices did you make as a Jdub? I knew a sister who avoided nail polish because a householder didn't like it. She wanted to please the lady.
by REBORNAGAIN 16 Replies latest jw friends
What kind of unusual sacrifices did you make as a Jdub? I knew a sister who avoided nail polish because a householder didn't like it. She wanted to please the lady.
Spent thousands of dollars to work on JW construction projects.
Donated thousands of dollars in free labor on JW construction projects.
Went to Bethel and pioneered instead of getting a higher education.
And alot more.
But all of that made me who I am.
From here on out...
No expectations
No regrets
Peace, Linda
this may seem trivial...but i gave up my beloved yoga and daily meditation {if i empty my head, the devil will come in...sure!!!} and my listening of mantras. and...i am soon going back to all of the above!
wow, nvrgnbk...
i believe there will be a special place in hell {or wherever} for people from this terrible organisation who played havoc with so many lives!
I gave up my advanced education until later in my life.
I let those b**tards tell me that I was "unscripturally divorced" for years.
I became an alcoholic trying to cope with organizational bull s**t.
I missed out on a lot of great sex and possible relationships.
I pissed away a lot of time in service that I could have been having fun.
Spent thousands of hours as a cult member.
Gave thousands of dollars.
Worked on quick build kingdumb hall projects & assembly hall projects. Spent over three years on one assemblyhall project alone.
Pass on a lot of tang.
Answered to daytime janitors posing as nighttime elders.
I did not go to college until later because we weren't supposed to... went to beauty school instead which was a waste of time and $... was not able to take self-defense lessons because the elders said it was wrong to know how to kill someone. - ??!! You can kill someone with your car, so you shouldn't drive?! Or ever use a knife?
The sisters counselled me when I got my ears double pierced. They said I had to be careful what I did because the young girls looked up to be - such BS!!!!
I sacrificed myself.
So long as I accepted that the WTS mindset was 'the truth' I either strove to live up to it, or wallowed in living outside it, whether I failed or succeeded, they controlled the paradigm.
There would have been oh so many perfectly decent other ways to be, but the standard held up by the WTS made me eschew as invalid any other path.
It wasn't until I slew the WTS dragon within myself that I began to consider other ways to be valid and proper, and found myself and got over my childhood.
If I hadn't been under the thumb of the WTS mindset, I seriously think I would have got my shit together long before age 32.
I sacrificed my daughter and our relationship because I was constantly trying to get her to do things "pleasing to Jehovah". She was getting the opposite from her father and every other relative so it screwed with her head pretty badly. Similar issues with my son.
I hate myself for allowing that to happen.
I quit a good job so I would have more time in service, I decided not to take the college classes that I was looking into when I began my study. I have let health issues slide. Time and money as well. Nothing really matters to me though except the damage to my children.
Have I mentioned that I hate those bastards?
Hmmmm..... let's see... I lost my entire childhood, a normal family life, a normal school exprience, friends, family, fun.... Also, let's see.... hours building kindumb halls, cleaning kingdom halls, attending kindumb halls, lost summers pioneering and going to assemblies. Thousands of dollars in donations..... man, the list goes on and on.