Sign of the times: Kingdom Hall becomes a Mosque in Connecticut

by Gopher 19 Replies latest social current

  • Enjoying freedom
    Enjoying freedom

    Good point Minimus.

    I also noted that the muslims visited all the residents giving them a gift of chocolate.

    They clearly want to become part of the local community.

    Unlike some other religions we could mention on this board..............................

  • DJK
    If the Witnesses sold their property to a false religious organization-----something sounds wrong

    It's a sign, the end is near for somebody.

  • 5go

    I don't get why Muslims get such a bad rap? Judging the whole islamic religion on just a couple of nuts in a certain part of the world, would be like judging christianity by the nuts christian's have in the bible belt and to an extent in Utah.

  • Gopher

    Just a question -- to those who call selling Kingdom Halls to other religious organization hypocritical -- should the WTS have a rule that they can only sell their buildings to non-religious organizations? Would that be more satisfying?

    Other hypocritical stuff they do is far more egregious than this. Personally I am amused when a Kingdom Hall becomes a temple, mosque or church.

  • aquagirl

    the kingdon hall here was sold too a woman and her girlfriend and they have turned it into a newage chiropractor/holistic healing center.its pretty cool.and so much prettier!!and better for the universe..gotta flush out those old demons...

  • DJK

    My old KH was sold to a dance school. Can't understand why a dance school has to be so big.

  • Junction-Guy

    I remember a kingdom hall pic on here that was maybe from Connecticut? That KH looked so odd, it had a weird design, Im wondering if that was the same one that was shown on here? Does anyone remember which pic Im talking about?

  • baby1971

    Sorry, but information that is availiable to us all is that muslim religion is out to destroy(kill) christianity. Why would JW"s sell to an atheist, let alone violent religious sect?????

  • Gopher

    Hello baby1971, and welcome to the discussion forum!

    In response to your first point, it seems to go both ways. I mean, the Muslims see America's military adventure into the east and fear that America wants to spread its western religion there, while here in the west there is fear of the Muslims taking over. I worked alongside a moderate Muslim last year who came to be a very good friend of mine (he was from Pakistan). I believe that many, perhaps most Muslims are like him, just seeking to get along and not violent. There are violent religionists who get a lot of the press and attention, because they seem to demand it. The more moderate voices, both from east and west, do not seem to get the same attention.

    So for JW's to sell to a local Muslim group in Connecticut does not mean they're necessarily aiding a terrorist cell. Most likely the people are quite moderate. If you look back to World War 2 history in America, the Germans who spoke their native language here in Minnesota had their loyalty called into question, needlessly so. They were American. At the same time, American citizens of Japanese descent were herded into camps in California, because again it was feared their sympathies lay with Japan. That proved to be untrue. I believe it's similar for moderate Muslims who happen to live in America now. They came here because they like it, and most of them consider themselves American. Of course there are exceptions to that, and those exceptions are the ones that fear is built around.

    Just my $.02.

  • sass_my_frass

    Chocolate eh? Good for them.

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