Reading this post and your linked post put a huge smile on my face.
My husband (who lurks here) and I really enjoy reading your posts and appreciate your input.
We kind of joke sometimes when we talk about people in our old congregation and their "fades". We'll say "maybe ABC person is "OTWO"!! Wouldn't that be awesome?" But you're in Illinois (or are you? *wink wink*) and we're here in CT.
Hey, I am not in CT (as far as you know). I enjoy JWD to get my venting out and to connect
with people who can empathize. You at least have a husband who understands. I think some of
us need more than just a forum to support each other. I have a bunch of phone numbers, and that's
great. I think I need more than that.
The anonymous factor here serves a purpose, but more and more seem to be screaming out from
the top of their keyboards who they are. The apostafests would bring in the personal factor, but
as a fader, I haven't been able to attend any this year.
I have half-considered ending the fade, as far as the wife is concerned, and being open about all
activities, which includes meeting with the likes of you all. I may yet do that. Thanks all for your
concern and support.