So tonight, I have one of my buddies over that is a fader, and we're sitting around eating some smoked pork and BBQ beans that I made over the weekend. One of our "conditional friends" called me and asked if he could pick up his mail, that he had forwarded to my house. You see our former friend has a credit card and cell phone that he doesn't want his Dub parents knowing about, so he had it forwarded to my place. So I say sure, come on over. He shows up, comes on in, and sits down to review his mail, and I say, "Hey how bout some pork", he says no, finally I force a small piece on him. Then he goes over and picks another couple pieces off. Before he reaches for his 5th chunk of smoked pork, I say, "Now Brother, you know what you're Bible says, 'You're not to have a meal with such a man', so I just can't allow you to have any more of that delicious smoked pork." He laughed, and then tried to sneak a chunk and I said, " 'You're not supposed to share a meal with sinners', you'd best not have any more." He got a look like I just kicked his dog, and tucked tale and almost ran out of my house. I hate people that just use you for stuff. Its very annoying, he hasn't called, wrote or talked to me in months, and then he has the gull to have some mail sent to my house, F#ck that... If you're not going to speak to me, or be my friend, you're also not getting my delicious pulled pork either. I also made a face at my former PO's wife tonight on the way out of the grocery store. She kept staring so I made a bug-eyed face, and stuck my tongue out, figure I might as well give her something to actually stare about.
Hilarious quote tonight to one of my "ex" friends...
by bluesbreaker59 15 Replies latest jw friends
drew sagan
I knew a number of JW elders who felt they where simply entitled to take whatever they wanted. I think my mother-in-law (still a JW) actually said she wasn't going to bother having witnesses over her house any more because they all acted like hogs (mostly elders).
Why would you want to make him feel like crap for coming over? He tried to be easy going about eating the meal with you and you pushed him into feeling guilty. The wts is good at doing that. We don't need to help them guilt their members more, do we?
I think had you just let him eat and been cool about it, he would've felt like maybe you aren't so bad. But you did what the witnesses do, and scared him.
He is probably filling out his application for Bethel as we speak because of the guilt he feels about it. -
I'll be your friend.
May I have some pulled pork now please?
Hell, I'll talk to you, I'll even wash the dishes, just hand over some of that pork.
Maybe you can nickname him "esau". Trade his soul for a bowl of beans (and pork!)
Why are you continuing to let him forward his mail to your home?
That's funny. You probably ought to extend friendship though and see if you can get him past the whole no speaking/using thing.
I know I probably should've been nice, but, he's hurt my feelings a couple times here lately. First was when he called me an apostate, to one of my other "former friends", and Second, was even worse.
He called and asked "Hey, you're really hard to get a hold of lately. Do you mind if I have my phone bill mailed to your house"
I said, "Yeah, well my life doesn't revolve around you anymore, since you've cut me off. But yeah, you can send it to my place, but why?"
He said, "I don't want my parents finding out about my new cell phone, they went through my old bills and cancelled my text messaging, so now I can't talk to my girfriend anymore."
I asked, "You know, you are 20 now, perhaps, you could grow some stones, and move out. Hey why don't we hang out again soon"
He said, "You know I can't do that"
I said, "Yes you can, just because I'm DF'd, you still have a choice to be my friend"
He said, "YOU made the decision to be a fornicator, not me, YOU screwed up our friendship with your selfishness!!!"
So our conversation ended, and yeah I'm such a fornicator, I've had the same girlfriend now for 8 months and counting... This after being married for 5 1/2 years and being cheated on by my ex, and not being free to remarry, so finally I got fed up and found a woman outside the borg.
It's hard to love people when they are hurtful to us. You know that hurting him back isn't the way to go. He feels like he HAS to say these things to you. Sadly, I have said similar things to df'd people before I realized about the wts.
Also, I think it's good that you found a girlfriend. You know, though, you don't have to sleep with her. The truth is, just because you aren't a witness, doesn't mean you have to lead a immoral life. There are many people, that have left religion, and they lead happy, fulfilling lives, without having sex with a girlfriend. They realized that God isn't in religion and they have found Him through Jesus. And it's pretty awesome and beautiful.
I'm not judging you, friend, because that is not up to me. I just want you to know that you can live a moral life, full of faith and love. And you will be amazed at how happy you'd be. You think you're happy now...just wait. -
So r.a.m. are you deciding what is moral? I think it's healthy for a young man to "get a little stink on his hang-down" BTW, I would have been nicer to your friend. If he's sending bills to your house behind his parents back, he's already had one foot out the door.