Reasons why its so hard to break from the WTS

by Leander 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Leander

    I'm still sitting on the fence trying to figure out which direction to go in. I think one of the reasons I have'nt left yet is because of the fact that I'm not entirely sure that the WTS is really not God's organization.

    Some of the reasons why I feel that way is because of their insight on the scripture. I've never heard of any other religion attempt to decipher the prophecies in the book of Daniel and Revelations. Do other organizations discuss who the Wild Beast is, the difference between the great crowd and the other sheep?

    The WTS seems to be unique in the sense that they attempt to discuss in detail all parts of the bible. Or maybe I'm just not knowledgable enough about other religions.

    Why is it difficult for people to leave this organization

  • JBean

    Hi again Leander! I haven't been posting much 'cos I usually feel I don't have too much to add. However, I replied to you initially a week or so ago when you first came on board, and I felt that I kind of identified with what you were going through. To give you my perspective on why it's so hard for ME to leave: In my entire life... fear of hurting family and friends and ALSO losing family and friends (just 'cos they leave you, doesn't mean they don't hurt to some extent too). This past month, by postings on this board (believe it or not!)I feel that I've learned more about actual SPIRITUALITY and what it means to feel God and Christs love than I did all the years in the congregation. I'm like you though... still in and totally wondering if and how I'll ever leave. I find myself saying things to my family lately if they are having a problem or whatever, along the lines of "stop worrying about all the RULES... Jehovah knows..." etc. Sorry if this doesn't factually answer your question... but I think it's a very personal decision and reason for each of us. Hang in there... - Jbean

  • Dan B
    Dan B

    Hi Leander,

    "I think one of the reasons I have'nt left yet is because of the fact that I'm not entirely sure that the WTS is really not God's organization."

    I would suggest then, that you don't leave. I have a friend who was DF'd for conduct (not apostasy) and she still believes that the JW's are the one and only true religion. Because of her situation she is not in a position to go back. This eats at her everyday, and the guilt is going to kill her. Don't leave until you come to a realization (if you ever do) that the JW's are just another religion. But I would suggest that if you do stay, stop looking at sites like this, and bury yourself in JW literature. The doubts will drive you insane!

    Just my opinion...


  • Unclepenn1

    Leander, I sympathize with your situation. Please allow me to shed some light on what is going on and ask you to prayerfully consider what it is I am saying.

    First of all, you have been involved with an org that is based on teachings of men rather than teachings of God. They have taught you many things that are true, but also many things that are full of lies and deceit. The Bible is true, Christ died and rose again etc. I think your confusion lies in the fact that you feel pulled in two directions because you feel that there is truth in the org, but you also see the deception. What I would ask that you do is take a serious look at what scripture teaches and then ask God to reveal to you *who* Jesus Christ is. The Watchtower has told you flat out lies about who Christ is, and their publications regarding the Trinity are so distorted and fabricated that they don't hold up under scrutiny.'Should you believe in the Trinity?' for example. Out of the 100+ quotes that they use in that pamplet, all of them except one is taken out of context. I have copies of all the original books that these quotes were taken from and you wouldn't beleive how many of these quotes are actually from people supporting the Trinity, yet when taken out of context, they can be manipulated to say whatever the WT desires. My question would be this. If the Trinity is a pagan doctrine and not what the Bible teaches, why would the WT have to misquote and distort 100 quotes and references? The more you investigate the more you will find the WT creates ideas and twists the scripture to make it fit their ideas and then attacks you if you question it. All the cults are the same. They abandon you if you start to ask questions and shun you from the others. God says 'Never will I leave you, never will I foresake you'. Please email me privately Leander if you want to talk more. I will pray that you can be free from religion and enter into the relationship that God has designed for you through His Son.

    God Bless You,


    Mohammed- 'My teachings lead to the attainment of truth'
    Buddha- 'The truth has been revealed to me'
    Jesus- 'I am the truth'

  • barry

    Gday Leander,
    Other religions do have good interpretions on The beast,views on Daniel and Revelation but the two clases in revelation being two groups of christians is a distinctive wittness doctrine. As Ive said before the witnesses have recycled many Adventist beleifs and in turn the Adventists recycled beleifs from the Protestant Reformation it would take study to find out these things for yourself but it is there.
    May God bless you in your decisions , Barry

  • Seeker

    Please don't do anything before you are ready to do so. It's your life, and only you can live it. Be happy with your choice.

    I've never heard of any other religion attempt to decipher the prophecies in the book of Daniel and Revelations. Do other organizations discuss who the Wild Beast is, the difference between the great crowd and the other sheep?

    What makes you think the WTS got those prophetic interpretations correct? Do you really think the pouring out of the seven bowls refer to convention resolutions from the 1920s that no one in the world has heard of (and many JWs can barely recall it either)? Do you really think the King of the North and the King of the South switch roles as fast as the history books can be written?

    Do other groups attempt to interpret Revelation? I seem to recall David Koresh did. Didn't make him the right religious leader either. Get my point? Just making the attempt ain't enough...

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    With all due respect, the notion that the WT interpretations of the Hebrew prophets, Revelation, etc., is as fallacious as it is widespread among the rank and file. Of course, the WT writers are the last ones in the world to disabuse the friends of this mistaken assumption.
    In the course of my duties at Bethel, I spent a lot of time in the 124 Columbia Heights library, which was/is a treasure trove of rare and valuable Bible commentaries, many of which were compiled in the 19th century, when millenarian speculation was at its hieght.
    In the writers' alcoves off the main floor of the library toiled the WT writing staff. It was not unusual to see one of these working on articles with several of these invaluable reference works bookmarke and spread open across his work space. As best as I could detrmine, they collated, pick and chose among the varying points of view to formulat the one they deemed my plausible or consonant with JW theology.
    The notion that the resultant published interpreations were a result of divinely provided unique insight is a myth, and actual quite naive. You would be amazed at the depth and quality of some of these eseoteric works from Christendom's exegetes.

  • HappyHeathen

    Yes, the WT provides their followers with some very pat explanations for very complex, cryptic prophecies. (Isn't that conveeeennnient?) I'll bet there were a lot of us who sat book studies ignoring the little voices in our heads that tried to tell us that, too. Even back during my years as a witness, I secretly thought the WT was arrogant in the way they deciphered prophecy. As seeker said, explaining that the "Seven Bowls" were 7 conventions back in 1920 ...puhleez. The sheer volume of their works and attempts to interpret every scripture in the Bible proves nothing really -- don't you know they must publish a couple books every year to justify their existence? At some point, they'll probably have 7 WT books for every book of Bible at the rate they're going.

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    There are even popular books on Revelation. Those guys that write the "left Behind" series have a book out on Revelation that pretty interesting reading. You can probably get a copy at WalMart.

  • Thomas Poole
    Thomas Poole

    Be free in Christ Leander. You are not bound by the conscience of men. One organization or denomination does not represent the body of Christ. Get the sense of what the Body Of Christ is composed.

    You don't have to know everything, just to know that the WT could not be the only way to God, impossible. They are a false prophet, which is the same as divination. I know! I was a JW for 31 years.

    As the Watchtower is so is Christendom; they are all in trouble I think. However, Christendom is not totalitarian. One can exercise their choice of right and wrong, their choice of conscience. A lot of what you have been taught is mis-infomation. You learned things from a false starting point, false inferences; and then they built on the lies. For example, the 607 date is nonsense. You will not find that information as a true source from anything.

    The WT does not understand the Christian's relationship with Christ or how the Counselor works in their life. The Watchtower is between you and Jehovah, and they move Jesus to the side, and talk nothing about the Holy Spirit, as the reality of its affects one being born again.

    The depth and breath of Bible secrets is not isolated to the WT. So, you can find the Revelation talk, for example me.

    The WTS gives mis-information and they expresses it as truth, until they "learn new things." Actually they often just correct the lie.

    Why is it difficult for people to leave this organization?....
    Answer: They are often dependent in their personalities. The organization is their mother and they are in the third grade all their life. When one leaves, they grow up. The grace of God helps many to escape. Pray about this. Pray "I open up my mind and heart to the enabling of the Holy Spirit of God." God does hear prayers and answers them, especially in my case.

    In Chirst, Thomas, a JW for 31 years, free since '93.

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