Be free in Christ Leander. You are not bound by the conscience of men. One organization or denomination does not represent the body of Christ. Get the sense of what the Body Of Christ is composed.
You don't have to know everything, just to know that the WT could not be the only way to God, impossible. They are a false prophet, which is the same as divination. I know! I was a JW for 31 years.
As the Watchtower is so is Christendom; they are all in trouble I think. However, Christendom is not totalitarian. One can exercise their choice of right and wrong, their choice of conscience. A lot of what you have been taught is mis-infomation. You learned things from a false starting point, false inferences; and then they built on the lies. For example, the 607 date is nonsense. You will not find that information as a true source from anything.
The WT does not understand the Christian's relationship with Christ or how the Counselor works in their life. The Watchtower is between you and Jehovah, and they move Jesus to the side, and talk nothing about the Holy Spirit, as the reality of its affects one being born again.
The depth and breath of Bible secrets is not isolated to the WT. So, you can find the Revelation talk, for example me.
The WTS gives mis-information and they expresses it as truth, until they "learn new things." Actually they often just correct the lie.
Why is it difficult for people to leave this organization?....
Answer: They are often dependent in their personalities. The organization is their mother and they are in the third grade all their life. When one leaves, they grow up. The grace of God helps many to escape. Pray about this. Pray "I open up my mind and heart to the enabling of the Holy Spirit of God." God does hear prayers and answers them, especially in my case.
In Chirst, Thomas, a JW for 31 years, free since '93.