To the Body of Elders, Dear Brothers - a letter to send to individual JW's

by eclipse 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    You know, I hate them and I'd like the whole 'disorganization' to disappear from Earth, I hate them for the loss of my family and my childhood and some sort of education and sense in my youth, I hate them. I have no use for their smugness and ugliness and their 'better than everyone elseness' and their 'suck the milk of the nations' mentality, but I might just send off a hundred copies of this to some individuals I know and to every cong in CO and AZ. I could do that, it would be easy.

    I might, and I hate them.

  • skeeder


    I might just send off a hundred copies of this to some individuals I know and to every cong in CO and AZ. I could do that, it would be easy.

    Do it

  • OnTheWayOut
    Indications are that Jehovah may have removed his spirit from the organization as he did to his people in ancient times. This is reflected in the yearly report and a definite downturn particularly in countries where the work is well established.

    Is that information available for this year already?

    Is there another thread on the statistics. C'mon JWD, you guys are faster than the congregations.

  • fjtoth

    Somehow I feel that this whole effort fails to take into account the general mindset of JW elders and the rank and file.

    The opening sentence will move nearly every addressee to obediently throw the letter in the trash. So will the lack of a return address. The anonymity will appear cowardly.

    Most who read beyond the opening sentence will rejoice to see what they consider to be "weeping and wailing" by so-called "apostates." In the end, even if a few are moved toward a sincere desire for reform, the majority will feel justified in continuing their cheerful scoffing at those who walk away from "God's organization." In other words: More harm than good will be the outcome.

    My two cents worth.


    PS: This project reminds me so much of the Society's own fruitless "Tract Campaigns." A great organized effort with extemely little accomplished!

  • ibme

    Two questions.


    It looks like the draft has been scrutinized and edited.

    Question one.

    Should this be considered the final copy?

    I think it is well thought out and addresses most of the major things

    that have caused much emotional and physical harm to so many.

    While most of us will never feel the same as we once did perhaps it

    can benefit some in the future.

    It's evident that the fleshly mind took over the spiritual mind and created

    the monster 'WBTS' that we are seeing that has little regard for the R & F.

    Question two.

    Will there be some sort of timeline for sending these letters out?

    Thanks for some direction in this matter.


  • skeeder


    A great organized effort with extemely little accomplished!

    It is usually easy for ANYONE to see the downside of matters. So, what is your plan?


  • fjtoth


    The downside is just as legitimate as the upside. Our own experience and JW history confirm that the downside will prevail. Why waste effort on a lost cause?

    Jesus said:

    "Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots. Leave them; they are blind guides. If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit." (Matthew 15:13, 14)

    Lawyer Gamaliel said:

    "So in the present case, I say to you, stay away from these men and let them alone, for if this plan or action of men, it will be overthrown." (Acts 5:38)

    These are Bible statements that I personally believe are valid. The WT Society will crumble in God's due time.

    JWs enjoy being attacked, even in subtle ways. The letter, though admittedly well written, will do more to cheer them on.


  • oompa

    This is such good material, and so well written. Do most think any elder reading this would finish, or as soon as it looked Apostate it will be fed to the shredder? And if we send it to others, won't they not read it since they are not BOE? Or will curiousity get the best of both?....oompa

  • sweetface2233
    The opening sentence will move nearly every addressee to obediently throw the letter in the trash.

    That is the EXACT same thing I thought. In fact, I never made it past that sentence; not because I didn't want to read what was written, but because I knew it's what my family, former friends and aquaintances would do.

  • fjtoth

    When the true source of the letter is discovered and "exposed," as it most certainly will be, JWs will have more ammunition to back up their claim that "apostates" are hypocritical, that they lie and use deception in an attempt to mislead "even the chosen ones."

    Additionally, JWs will become more convinced that sly and slippery methods are being used by those who left the organization because they are deservedly hurting and frustrated.


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