Did Anybody Besides Me CHOOSE Not to Respond??

by journey-on 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • Siamsa

    Journry on,

    Get off that fence and pick the splinters out of your butt and give us your opinion. Why you have no opinion will do for a start.

    You are pretty good at demanding the opinion from others.

    Have you received 'new light' that will be revealed when you decide that every one is able to receive it ?

  • journey-on


    What's with all your hostility? I have my own reason for this little "poll". I don't demand anything from anybody.

    If you CHOSE not to respond AFTER viewing the video, I would like to hear from you. My reason doesn't have

    to concern you. It's not because I took some high road nor is it because I've received "new light".

  • Gretchen956

    I saw the video and chose not to respond. I think that the effects of paranoia and obsession are similar to brain-washing in that anything we say will result in his feeling persecuted and justified. I think Danny needs help but felt powerless to assist in that end. Enough was said to capture my feelings of horror about what happened there that day.


  • lfcviking

    Yes i chose not to comment on it aswell. The reason for this is because i and a lot of others on this board don't know the TRUTH about his harrasment claims and the TRUE state of his mental health and also the TRUTH about the JW's actively targeting him in some sort of planned campaign. Since most of us here do not know the total TRUTH about all of this then how can we possibly judge him or anybody else in this matter?


  • liquidsky

    I didn't watch the video and haven't responded to any of the recent "Danny" threads. I don't care to read his posts much.

  • journey-on

    Thank you Gretchen. Were you able to view the video more than one time?

    LFC....well said.

  • hillary_step

    It seems that all those who chose not to comment at the time are now happy to comment. Perhaps they needed time to analyse and stew on this remarkably difficult condundrum. ;)

    Is this what this thread is about. The only person who does not seem to know the motives and purpose of this thread is its originator.

    Welcome to JWD, please pick up your medication on the way in.


  • journey-on


    I know my motives and I know MY purpose. Do you have to know that in order to answer "yes, I CHOSE not

    to respond." I don't need medication, but perhaps you do....chill pill perhaps?

  • Siamsa

    Journey on,

    Your approval of lfcvikings post indicates that you are indeed sitting on the fence regarding this matter. The lessons that you have been taught by the JWS have served you well.

    No opinion + No action = No back bone.

  • journey-on


    My statement to ifcvikings, "well said", was not meant as approval nor disapproval. It meant "you stated your reasons

    succintly and clearly."

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