An Organization Made of Glass?

by metatron 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Take a look at most religions: If you change a doctrine here or there, it usually makes little difference.

    You can be a Catholic and take birth control. You can believe in evolution and still be active in most

    Protestant churches.

    But what about the "truth"? It seems that Witnesses must swallow all of it, whole, without

    compromise. Take a look at how some Witnesses lose their entire faith in the organization all at

    once, perhaps after a single incident of injustice or visit to an 'apostate' website. "Faithful" Witnesses

    must keep up a personal vigil to avoid recognition of any fact that disproves any portion of the "truth"

    because it tends to disprove the whole of it. ( Are these guys really led by God?)

    The organization sometimes looks like it is made of glass. If it gets a crack in it, its gone, done -

    there's no point in trying to fix it.

    In this regard, it could be that Wingman is correct, if enough Witnesses are forced to confront the

    failures of the organization, rather than keep themselves in careful mental isolation from logic

    and facts. The relevant question is how to confront enough of them. I wish him Godspeed

    in his efforts - not because I believe the organization can be reformed - but because he may open

    some cracks...........


  • LongHairGal


    You are right on target. Their belief system is so changeable and so flimsy that anything can make it collapse. It is like a house of cards.

    In my opinion, this is why most of the meetings are about repetition and they like to hear everybody raising their hands and saying the same thing again. I always felt the WT study was like third grade reading comprehension: read the paragraph and then repeat. Very simple.

    This is why they cannot bear anybody disagreeing with anything in the slightest degree because it will cause them to have a crisis of faith.


  • sir82

    "Unity, unity, unity" is their mantra.

    Didn't Franz say that he considered unity more important than truthfulness in the Walsh trial?

    Of course, what they really want is conformity - big difference.

  • V

    The answer is in the propaganda...

  • Hermano

    Very true. Which suggests their faith and unity is really very artificial. I know mine was when I was in. And I was a pioneer and a ministerial servant and I did study and pray and read the Bible and go to meetings like I was told to do.

  • AuldSoul
    The relevant question is how to confront enough of them.

    The only people they allow to question their dogma pointedly are the ones who've never been Jehovah's Witnesses. It seems to me that educating and informing this group is the best method since that is the only group that will be permitted some confrontational leeway.


  • zack

    They themselves admit that a Witness must accept the entire range of Christian teaching "including those that are particular to Jehovahs Witnesses."--- Flock Book.

    It is all or nothing. What many witnesses do is become de facto apostates by NOT accepting the entire range of teachings, but staying in because they consider

    being a Witness better than being anything else. They are not interested in Truth, because if they were, then their whole paradigm would crack, as you said. It is

    a house of glass, of cards, built on shifting sand. Only by DENYING the truth can a witness stay in. Emotionally and mentally I believe it is a heavy price to pay.


    Your posting reminds me of a comment I heard some lady say once, "You should never talk bad about your parents!" IMO....there are a lot of terrible people out there. How can a person deny how their mother or father are if they sit in a slammer as criminals for instance? All these Jdubs are in a sense in the same position. They too see the WTBTS as a parent and are afraid to admit publically that their parent (WTBTS) is bad, wrong, wicked etc. etc.


  • JulieM

    You're so right, it is an organisation made of glass. I think that's perhaps why they make it so difficult for anyone with family in to leave, the cost can be so great. I've just been df'd, and I doubt my two brothers or their wives will ever speak to me again.

    Once you start having doubts and act on them by reading the Society's history or, in my case, books like Crisis Of Conscience, the scales fall of your eyes pretty quickly, and there's really only one honest thing to do, leave the organisation.

  • ninja

    made of glass?...well they are a puts on his running shoes

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