For those hoping to reform the Watchtower

by drew sagan 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    There have been a number of posts discussing reform in the Watchtower, mostly revolving around a letter on this thread

    I just wanted to put my two cents in on this issue. Because I am not attached to any of the main doctrines and teachings of the JWs, I feel no personal need to reform them. But for those that do wish for reform I think there are some key things to remember.

    1. The organization of Jehovah's Witnesses is ruled by an oligarchy, plain and simple. If any members of the movement are hoping to have an effect they must realize this. The simple fact that some amongst the membership (of low rank so to speak) are hoping somehow bring about change from the members themselves shows a desire to move to a more democratic form of organizational governance. The letter and its effects would only be a very small beginning to what is needed if full reform is desired. Those organizing reform would have to find a way to get democratic processes into the organization itself. An example of this would be to have councils with voting rights. Local congregations would need to move back to a system where they choose the Elders they wish to represent them at these councils. Things like this.

    2. With an organization of this size and scope it is foolish not to use the powers of the internet. Buy a website where people who wish to join this movement can gather. Make sure to keep all of it anonymous. This is where you are going to want to organize your campaigns. You have a level of freedom with what you do. Unlike harsh socio-political atmospheres that force hard physical pressure on reformers, you are mainly dealing with information. Protecting identities is key.

    3. Make a declaration of purpose. This has somewhat been done in the letter, but it could be refined. Keep it at ten points. This is what you stand for and hope to accomplish. This is what you will live by.

    4. Start a newsletter and circulate it. This could be in digital format, or paper. Digital is best for confidentiality. Keep those associated with the movement up to date on how many new people have joined, what their status is within the org, and so on.


    This is just a start, I could go on and on. Unless you realize that your struggle is to bring a democratic process to this organization you will never have an impact.

    Again, I personally don't have the desire to do this because I have walked very far away from JW teachings. With that said I couldn't help myself but to post some of these things, I'm a big fan of history and revolutions always fascinate me. Research about the downfall of Miloševic, you'll see what I mean.

  • minimus

    A decade ago when it appeared that the WT. might soften, there were a number who believed that the WT. would indeed "reform". The evidence is clear that they will never do so and instead dig their heels in even deeper. This religion is, in my opinion, never going to stop existing. There will always be diehards and those that are weak and those that are somewhere in between.

    Rather than believe in reform, it would be better to accept reality, get out and stay out and help others do the same. Meanwhile enjoy life NOW!

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan
    Rather than believe in reform, it would be better to accept reality, get out and stay out and help others do the same. Meanwhile enjoy life NOW!

    That's exactly how I feel. But for those who think it's possible, I thought I would indulge myself in writing a bit about a JW revolution.

    I think that just sitting back and looking at all the work it would take to reform the Watchtower makes on realize the futility of it.

  • Shepherd Book
    Shepherd Book

    Interesting read; I enjoyed hearing your thoughts on the matter.

    So, what if there is no desire to "reform"? I mean, what if I just want to put stuff out there (via internet, in all likelihood) for informational purposes? Do you think that would be fruitless?

    The reason why I ask is because I am strongly considering posting some correspondence I've had with WT and some phone conversations I had with an elder. I don't think this will be earth-shattering stuff, but when I was a Wtiness information was tightly controlled and filtered. So my reasoning is just that I now believe in freedom of information - if I have contact with the WT or their representatives, I would like to make it known to the largest audience possible. But if no one thinks it will do any good...I don't know...

  • Finally-Free

    I personally have no interest in reforming the watchtower. I joined them of my own free will, found that I didn't like it, so I left. I have no emotional connection to any JW, so I really don't care if they choose to waste their lives. I will make it a point to share what I know about the cult to people who consider joining and others I care about.


  • metatron

    I think we should support efforts at reform but not because reform is possible! The Watchtower is

    no more 'reformable' than Communism was. However, the right efforts at "reform" could weaken them

    just as surely as Gorbachev/Perestroika led to wrecking the Soviet system.


  • minimus

    I think what we are doing is helping undermine the Organization. Everytime we write about the absurdity of the religion along with all its glorious flaws we are pulling at the structure that keeps things together. When persons read of our experiences and suggestions as to how to get out of cult mentality, I strongly believe that people are getting it. It might be slow but it is constant and eventually it will deterioate the fiber of the Organization and it will rot from within, implode, if you will.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Shepherd Book

    I am speaking mainly in terms of the ability for a group of people (active JWs) to bring about democratic changes in their religion.

    I'm sure many on this board would find helpful the things you are talking about doing. I know I would.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan
    the right efforts at "reform" could weaken them just as surely as Gorbachev/Perestroika led to wrecking the Soviet system.

    You read my mind!!!!!!!

    HOWEVER, in order for those who wish for reform to succeed they would have to come over to the 'dark side' aka 'apostates'. I can see a reform who refuses to learn from those who have left being to soft in their approach and thus meeting with less than luke warm success.


    Excellent points mini and Drew. I don't believe a reformation is possible or probable.

    I don't believe that the WTBTS EVER had God's ( if there is a God ) backing, and I don't believe that the core doctrines are true enough to even have a basis for reform.

    That being said: I believe that doing what I can to help soften the shock and pain that individuals (that are where I was only a few months ago) feel as they wake up from the mind control is important. I will continue to post here for as long as I can. I also look for opportunities to anti-witness to people not involved so that they never will be.

    There are ways to help people, trying to FIX the WTBTS is not one of them IMHO.

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