Clean up your own Backyard

by purplesofa 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • purplesofa

    Elvis slamming hypocrisy

    Back porch preacher preaching at me
    Acting like he wrote the golden rules
    Shaking his fist and speeching at me
    Shouting from his soap box like a fool
    Come sunday morning hes lying in bed
    With his eye all red, with the wine in his head
    Wishing he was dead when he oughta be
    Heading for sunday school

    Clean up your own backyard
    Oh dont you hand me none of your lines
    Clean up your own backyard
    You tend to your business, Ill tend to mine

    Drugstore cowboy criticizing
    Acting like hes better than you and me
    Standing on the sidewalk supervising
    Telling everybody how they ought to be
    Come closing time most every night
    He locks up tight and out go the lights
    And he ducks out of sight and he cheats on his wife
    With his employee

    Clean up your own backyard
    Oh dont you hand me none of your lines
    Clean up your own backyard
    You tend to your business, Ill tend to mine

    Armchair quarterbacks always moanin
    Second guessing people all day long
    Pushing, fooling and hanging on in
    Always messing where they dont belong
    When you get right down to the nitty-gritty
    Isnt it a pity that in this big city
    Not a one alittle bitty manll admit
    He could have been a little bit wrong

    Clean up your own backyard
    Oh dont you hand me, dont you hand me none of your lines
    Clean up your own backyard
    You tend to your business, Ill tend to mine

    Clean up your own backyard
    You tend to your business, Ill tend to mine


    ..Thank-you!..Thank-you very much!!..Elvis 2..Treble ClefNotes..Well since my Baby left me/I`ve found a new place to dwell/it`s down at the end of Lonley Street /at Heartbreak Hotel..Notes..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • erynw

    Couldn't resist the pic.

    Back porch preacher preaching at me
    Acting like he wrote the golden rules
    Shaking his fist and speeching at me
    Shouting from his soap box like a fool
    Come sunday morning hes lying in bed
    With his eye all red, with the wine in his head
    Wishing he was dead when he oughta be
    Heading for sunday school

    Too true.

  • journey-on

    Loved it! Had to get up and shake my hips to that! I loved The King and what great words to live by in this song.

  • purplesofa

    hey now,

    I like this song!!!!

    Im into my music today!!!


    Does make you want to get some groove going doesnt it???

  • erynw

    Webcam shot of purps in her living room. Pay me lots and I'll take it down. buwahahaha

  • purplesofa

    actually that is rather kind ..............ask my daughter

    she just left the room!!!!!!



    We`re caught in a trap/I can`t walk out/Because I love you to much baby.."Suspicious Minds"..Elvis.......Purps..I like his music too!.....Thank-you!..Thank-you very much!..OUTLAW has left the building!..Singer..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • erynw

    Another shot of purps gettin her groove on.

  • purplesofa

    hey this version is two mins longer!!!

    shake it baby!!!!!!

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