I can just see it. You'll have all kinds of people approaching all of you. Asking all kinds of questions in hopes of getting you into a Bible Study with them. BE WARNED!
by A-Team 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I can just see it. You'll have all kinds of people approaching all of you. Asking all kinds of questions in hopes of getting you into a Bible Study with them. BE WARNED!
You want to 'blend in' but that is impossible because everyone in every kingdom hall knows everything about everyone else in their congregation.
You are going to be 'tagged' as soon as you drive onto the parking lot.
At first, you will be viewed with suspicion by the attendants and elders until they see that you are not carrying a copy of "IN SEARCH OF CHRISTIAN FREEDOM" or "CRISIS OF CONSCIENCE" by Raymond Franz or "60 QUESTIONS EVERY JEHOVAH's WITNESS SHOULD BE ASKED" by Ian Brown.
After the initial shock of seeing strangers show up at the kingdom hall without a JW escort or ever going to their homes with the JW who is 'studying' with them, you will be LOVE BOMBED and invited to 'study' the Bible by various JW's.
As far as dress codes go for females...
NO spaghetti straps, low cut dresses, pants or pantsuits, high hemlines or visible multiple piercings.
Let us know how it went.
BTW, the JW's really don't want a whole lot of strangers showing up at the same time for a meeting because they might start asking a lot of questions about Michael the archangel, blood fractions, the United Nations Library, to shun is to love and a whole host of other subjects that make the JW's squirm.
I would advise posing as a disfellowshipped person if you do not want to risk having everyone call on you as a prospective study. If you don't mind having them asking you a lot of questions, you can just give them a bad address or no address at all for calling you at home. I also advise stopping at a store on the way back so they will not follow you home and bombard you with calls and study attempts.
Are you a former JW? If so, can you explain to the professor that you were once a JW and can probably write the report now?
Don't worry about it. Dress as you would for your own church. Slacks and open collar is fine. Pantsuits and open toed bras for the ladies....never mind. If you are asked blunt questions you don't want to answer just side step it, change the subject to something nuetral like "How long has your church been here?" "How many members?" etc.
Are we to assume this is not your old cong.? No one will know you, right?
Go in a dirty and poor looking as possible and see what kind of welcome and greetings you get, it would be interesting to see if they sterotype you in what Christ and James condemned.
I wrote an article on what to expect, as I also was introduced as an "outsider" representative from "Christendom". Here it is:
It will be difficult to fake being a JW because of the myriads of unwritten "rules". Would you all "talk the talk" about the "Truth" "Jehoovah" "new light", which congregation you are from, etc?
I suggest rather, as others have said, to visit as an "interested one". Bring a magazine from a laundromat and say the magazine intrigued you and you decided to come and investigate. Shake hands with the pioneers (don't worry, they will be first to greet you), and freely give your (fake) phone number. If you want to be unobtrusive as possible, dress conservatively. So for you, keep the beard but wear a turtleneck sweater or a dress shirt, sports jacket and suit slacks. For the women, dresses or skirts to below the knee. Taupe nylons and sensible heels. Cover the tattoos. Six at once might be suspicious, so arrive in one's or two's.
A briefcase with note pads and bible won't be too unusual at a hall. The bible might get raised eyebrows. My paperback version did.
Wear what you want and don't bother to shave. The fact that you are a "new face" will not allow you to blend in.
Just go and be totally honest about what you are doing there. You won't blend in, anyway.
If you were hoping to be unnoticed, it ain't going to happen. Everyone does know everyone.
1. What id(sic) considered approbate(sic) dress for females (I will have 2 females with me)
A: Pointy party hats, men's ties and sportcoats above and G-strings below will have them fitting right in with the regulars, no worries.
1A. Do I have to shave my beard to 'blend in'
A: Make sure you braid your beard, then dip in raw eggs, then flour. You can add some sprinkles if desired.
2. Normally to church, I have a brief case with note pads and my Bible....is that a tad too much to carry into a hall?
A: The bigger the brief case, the more theocratic you'll be judged. So, grab that suitcase, the big one you use when packing for a week long vacation, and fill it with as many books and magazines as possible. They just might appoint you as an elder on the spot.
3. What else do I need to do to blend in and NOT to bring attention to myself?
Bring plenty of noisemakers for you and your guests (kazoos, whisles, pots and pans, etc), you'll need them during the songs, make use of them then. Also, make sure you wear lipstick and a dress with boots. You'll be sure to fit right in.
BA- You'll have plenty of interesting notes to share with your classmates after your visit.