It makes me sad to see Ray Franz looking this feeble...

by deaconbluez 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gayle

    Ray was always a gracious, humble man at Bethel. Never intimidating. Outstanding that he and his wife, Cynthia, left relative comforts or a form of security and so-called friends at Bethel in his mid-50s to start a whole new life with no retirement package. Thankfully, he has written books and has set thousands free. That he is still traveling long distances to faraway lands and foreign languages with still a mission is amazing. I still see a wonderful 'giant' in this man.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Thank you for posting this! What a wonderful man he is!! I think most here agree we owe a aweful lot to him!! Because of his bravery for standing up and exposing the organization for what it is, many of us were able to find answers to our questions. These answers helped us to be able to find closure and to move on. (((HUGS))) to Ray and may God bless him!!


    Lady Liberty

  • LongHairGal

    Years ago when I was active I heard a rumor that somebody who I think was Franz had a health crisis and asked to be reinstated.

    I always wondered if this were true or just propaganda to make the JWs feel better about themselves.


  • observador

    "His mind is still sharp, he looks quite happy, and I am just glad to have him still with us."


    Also keep in mind that after a trip, we all look pretty bad.

  • Highlander

    Here's another video of Ray in Germany. This was posted on jwd not long ago. He looks quite healthy in this video.

    edited to add: you have to go to the 2:30 mark on the video to see Ray F.

  • blondie

    Years ago when I was active I heard a rumor that somebody who I think was Franz had a health crisis and asked to be reinstated.

    I always wondered if this were true or just propaganda to make the JWs feel better about themselves.

    There is no truth or facts to this. He is still df'd. Interestingly, his wife is not df'd.

  • nicolaou

    Like many of you, I know it was Ray's books that helped me move on from the Watchtower - I even continued to call myself a Christian for a few years after that. Now, as an atheist, I know I've moved on from Ray's world view also, but I wouldn't be the free person I am now without his determined efforts and courage.

    From one godless little man to an honest Christian gentleman all I can sincerely and respectfully say is;

    God bless you Ray.

  • lawrence

    Thanks for putting up the video. Yes, "God bless you Ray!"

  • Invetigator74

    Ray and Cynthia are always in my prayers(((()))))


    Thanks for the link. I had no idea what he looked like, nor have I ever read his book *shame*


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