Simon-"Man of the Year"

by Budda Belly 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Budda Belly
    Budda Belly


    Thanks for your hard work and the freedom
    you give us here on the board.

    I vote you as "Man of the Year"

    It's to bad we all don't live in a small English town
    with a pub large enough for all of us.
    We would make a colorful bunch.

  • logical

    Sucking up to Simon to get stuff doesnt work. Ive tried it loads.

  • Budda Belly
    Budda Belly


    I get nothing from this board except the
    exchange of thoughts, ect.

    None of you know me personally
    and no one has my private e-mail.
    I do not attend picnics or
    conferences with any of you as well.

    If I sucked up to Simon, to what benefit would it be????

    Simon deserves my hartfelt thanks as he has been
    a wonderful host to me.

    P.S. Did you fall asleep in chat yesterday.
    I entered , as you were you only one listed in the chat.
    I was curious about the origins of Sinfest.

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Budda Belly,

    can I repeat your compliment to


    "..Thanks - S I M O N - for your hard work

    and the freedom you give us here on the board."

    You can be sure that it is greatly appreciated!!

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

    " One who has an accurate knowledge
    of God's Word will have no problem
    in refuting false religious ideas".

  • closer2fine

    I agree with Logical, I've tried sucking on, er up to Simon and it got me nothing but this funny rash.


    teeeeheeeee just kidding Simon :o)

    "of the excluded class"

  • Budda Belly
    Budda Belly

    If I get Britney for Simon,
    do you think he would make
    me a favored one?

  • Simon

    Thank you! (((manly hugs)))

    I really do appreciate you kind comments. It's hard work at times (been sat here for 5 hours since I came home from work) but I do get a lot of support myself from this place.

    Budda - you get me Britney and you instantly become Administrator. Hell, I'll even bow down to ya'... LOL

    closer2fine - I WISH! (but sadly only in my dreams)

    MacHislopp - I always enopy reading your comments.

    Logical - this place wouldnb't be 'here' without you (you should come up for a drink sometime with me and ISP)

  • ISP

    Hey Log.......your name is it not!


  • MrMoe

    I agree with Closer

    Seriously - thanks. I talked to Ang today in chat. You both get a big thanks from me for all the time, energy and funds you have spent on such a crazy bunch. Thanks.

  • Angharad

    I have that problem as well closer

    I am only joking BTW, i don't have any rashes to declare!


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