Some people have demons, legends, in them they choice to kill or steal. Some people are on drugs which are acts of demons! I am not blaming everything on Satan. I think people have choices and if they choose to go that way then they are not choosing God but taken over by legends living within. I have noticed that some people want to become healed so for a short time they might be okay, but legend knows when to come back and bring their little friends. Other people have mental illness that cause them to do crazy things like lie, steal, con, manipulate, murder, and etc,. They enjoy the rush of getting over on others and that is emotional abuse. They are beyond any human help and are emtionally dangerous to others. NO matter what the desire of the brain is still part of the consience area of the brain were some seem to think that is where we connect with God what is right and what is wrong. I believe people can have legends in them and there is only certain way to expel these legends when Jesus heals them. WE need to do our best to protect ourselves and children.
Sorry this is long but I have had plenty of time to think about it! We all make bad choices but we know how to pray and change. Certain people make bad choices and can straighten up for a short time then they go back to the choices that got them in trouble to begin with although they claim to want God's approval their desire is too strong to do what is bad in God's eyes. Some do worse acts; steal, murder, and con others. They are beyond our help, I believe they have legends! Hope I spelled that right! LOL
Good post!