You guys are amazing. For some time posters here have been saying that big changes were afoot and that the "members only" WT would be used to announce this new light. I admit I was apathetic and thought, ok, maybe. You were right. They are changing all sorts of stuff, the generation, who it applies to and when. These cretins are amazing. What else do you foresee in the near future. I want to know! W.Once
JWD Prophets! You called it, what next?
by Wasanelder Once 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Have the new doctrinal changes been announced to the R& F yet, or will that be after Jan.
Who has been priveliged to know the changes as of this time? (elders only?)
Need to know right away, please.
The blood policy will be modified. As it is, it's too contadictory. It's completely indefensible to any logical mind. Either fractions will be outlawed once again, or a gradual move to allow transfusions will be made. Perhaps it will find its way into the realm of "conscience matters", like voting did.
I foresee a lot of talk about money....contributing more (even if you have to use credit cards), estate planning to include the WTB&TS, how to include the WTS in your will, etc. They already discuss this in the November issues (I think) of the WTs, but I think it will be pushed and explained a lot more.
The blood policy will be modified. As it is, it's too contadictory. It's completely indefensible to any logical mind. Either fractions will be outlawed once again, or a gradual move to allow transfusions will be made. Perhaps it will find its way into the realm of "conscience matters", like voting did.
I was thinking the same thing about the blood transfusion policy, making it a Conscience Matterâ„¢ along the same lines as accepting donor organs, because voting can still get you in hot water with the JWs if you live in North America.
Did they ease that in by making the fractions a conscience matter and now they will make the entire issue of blood transfusions a consccience matter?
Please, somebody tell me...are we just speculating here?
Or is there something already in print that some have privy to but has not yet been announced?
[...are we just speculating here?] Yes. We are speculating. But it's educated speculation based on our knowledge of the changes made throughout the history of the organization.
Happy Harvester
I see the closing down of kingdom halls and meetings held only in private homes or rental buildings, with individual congs footing all the bills for it.
I see the society using all the kingdumb hell monies to pay off lawsuits for sex abuse scandals and to defend itself against wrongful death suits and to pay out more and more and more settlements to more and more and more victims of their b.s. re3garding the blood issue and sex abuse coverups.
My prediction:
The society will admit that Noah's flood did not cover the entire planet. Simple geology blasts this right out of the water (no pun intended) and it is completely impossible to argue for a global flood without reaching into a bag of miracles or sounding like a complete loon (like those "Answers in Genesis" blowhards).
Of course, they would also have to admit that Adam and Eve were just Jewish folklore because there's hard proof (carbon-dated, tree-ring dated, you name it) that humans have been around for much longer than 6,000 years. THAT ain't gonna happen because it throws a wrench into the whole theology, so they'll probably just clam up about everything instead and hope nobody asks.
And if you DO ask then it means you don't Trust in Jehovah(tm). -
I can see the 144k becoming figurative instead of literal.