Does god hear your prayers?

by LtCmd.Lore 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • LtCmd.Lore

    Mr. Deity explains prayer to Jesus.... Trust me, it's hilarious.


  • ringo5



  • BigBloomerz

    LOL! i found this rather amusing, thanks for the link.

    Ringo...Are Links classed as spam then? im pretty new to this forum stuff.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    LOL, yep that was quite funny - although I think he goofed on some of his lines (just maybe to warm the thread up a bit for ya LtC!)

    God tends not to get credit when prayers get answered how people want, he does tend to get 'credit' when they don't get answered though. To say that wouldn't have taken anything away from the clip.

    There is an ironic truth in the whole clip as well - assuming God does exist why should we expect him to fix all our problems? I think a lot of the time He is telling us to use our own initiative, that we can answer our own needs - we just need to use our God-given brains and shift off our backsides!!

    ps BigBloomerz, belated welcome! I think Ringo was referring to the deletion of all the messages that Mr Deity didn't want to hear, a bit like we do with our junk emails - bin 'em without reading them

  • CyrusThePersian

    Gosh Darn it to Heck!

    Now you've got me watching all those #%$&* Mr. Diety videos!!


  • James Free
    James Free

    "I think a lot of the time He is telling us to use our own initiative, that we can answer our own needs "

    Great, I'll tell that to the parents of the 20,000 children who die every day in Asia. There is a story in the Philippines, it goes like this: A mother and 8 children are on board a ferry that sinks. The mother makes it to shore with one of the children. As soon as she gets to the beach she thanks God for sparing one of her children. That's what religion does - takes away any responsibility from God unless a good thing happens, then he is given the credit!

    As for me, I say thank him also for the 7 children who he let drown, or don't thank him for any of it, he was busy on the toilet, to borrow the comment of an ancient prophet.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    James free

    Rhetorical questions/answers:

    Try telling those 20,000 children who die each day in Asia that we in the wealthy parts of the world have plenty of food/medicines to give them but since they can't afford to pay for it - well that's tough, it can all stay and rot in our warehouses, get incinerated, or dumped in the sea.

    Oh yeah sorry about the ones who get bombed out of their homes too, we want their land and we don't like them anyways, no problem!

    Oh - and they have land to grow food crops on to keep themselves and their livestock, but we in the west love our chocolate and coffee so start growing that for us instead - we'll pay you crappy money for it that you won't be able to feed yourself on, but that's ok, that's your problem.

    Tell the family on the ferry boat that sinks - sorry, the ferry boat owner was so intent to make his/her money that he/she didn't give a stuff about whether the boat was seaworthy or not, or whether it was overloaded, why should the boat owner give a toss - he/she's doing ok thank you very much.

    Whose bloody fault is it again??

    For every finger that points at 'God', there are about 6 billion pointing back at US.

    Like I said - when things go wrong everyone's quick to decide that there is a God who is cruel, yet when things are good, they're quite happy to ignore Him or deny His existence. Isn't it about time WE became accountable for our actions instead of trying to blame this 'non-existent skydaddy'?

  • James Free
    James Free

    I totally agree with you. It is not God's fault that these terrible things happen. Likewise it is nothing to do with God when something good happens. One can't have it both ways, for if God had saved the one child then that means he could have, but did not, save the others.

    That is my point. Prayers are not answered, we are all on our own and what befalls us is not his doing, be it good or bad.

  • AllAlongTheWatchtower

    Something that's always bothered me over the years as a rational, thinking, atheist: you can't "win" an arguement with a believer. If a believer prays for something, and it happens, god answered their prayer. If they pray for something and it doesn't happen, god is testing them, they didn't have enough faith, or the best thing to happen was for the person not to get the thing prayed for in the first place, they just didn't know that, but god in his infinite wisdom, did. There's even a country song along these lines, the lyrics go "some of god's greatest gifts, are unanswered prayers".

    The one thing that I've managed to come up with that makes people of faith actually THINK, rather than blather out the latest adage about "god's will", is to mention war-all other things being equal, if men of two different armies (both Christian) fighting each other both pray to god, does he answer their prayers? Which ones? Both? I loved how it was put in "We Were Soldiers" by Mel Gibson's character:

    Lt. Colonel Hal Moore: Oh, yes, and one more thing, dear Lord, about our enemies, ignore their heathen prayers and help us blow those little bastards straight to Hell. Amen. [quoted from]

  • BigBloomerz
    If a believer prays for something, and it happens, god answered their prayer. If they pray for something and it doesn't happen, god is testing them, they didn't have enough faith, or the best thing to happen was for the person not to get the thing prayed for in the first place, they just didn't know that, but god in his infinite wisdom, did.

    This is so true, in the case of my brother buying a house, At first it fell through, second time they got it, why? Because it was close to the kingdom hall and god wanted them to be nearer.

    Riiiiiiggghhhhtttt ookkkkaaaayyyy.....Nothing to do with the fact they had money?

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