Why do JWS have the memorial anyways? they preach that Jesus said , do this until I return. the JWs say He returned in 1914, so what gives here anyway?
Sorry, I gotta borrow this topic from another site.... Some answers please.
by NotaNess 20 Replies latest jw friends
He returned invisibly. Soon he will return and the whole world will see him (or something like that)
In reality the memorial is a mind programming tool to emphasize to the rank and file that a small number of the elite are running the show.
I asked that question a few times over the years.
The answer I got: Don't ask so many questions.
I agree. The scripture says 'until he arrives'. If we believe that he arrived in 1914, then why are we still commemorating in 2004?
: The answer I got: Don't ask so many questions.
That's not an answer. That's an evasion of an answer.
Cults do that. Attack the messenger. Don't address the message.
The plain truth is this: Jesus has been "invisibly ruling" for 93 years and He has been given power over all the kingdoms on earth and in Heaven(tm). (In fact, He said he already had all of that same power when he was alive about two thousand years ago.) The reason the unbelieving, undecerning idiots cannot see this is that all of the changes He has made since he began ruling since 1914 are also "invisible." To put it so simply so that even I can understand it, Jesus has given me (personally) and you many wonderful things since 1914. I'm just too untuned to know I have them now. Now, where are they, anyway? Jesus certainly didn't give Workman's Comp., Unemployment Insurance, Food Stamps, Child Care, Health Insurance or anything else from which many humans can benefit. What, exactly, HAS Jesus been doing since 1914. I know! He's formed a COMMITTEE to investigate the situation! It may take a few hundred years more for that committee to decide what to do about the human condition. Certainly, it can be claimed that Jesus is the worst ruling King who ever existed given 93 years of NOTHING from Him!
He is the only King in the history of this planet who 1) has been given absolute rule over the entire planet of Earth and 2) has ruled for 93 years, 3) has managed to accomplish whatever he needs to accomplish, invisibly, 4) has made all his changes to the problems of mankind invisible, and 5) has become as transparent as a wisp of wind in Iowa.
We should call these "the 5 Pillars of TRUTH about 1914" in the Watchtower Printing Corporation(tm). Or better yet, we should all throw up.
Sarah Smiles
How can YOU not ask that question! I guess the 144,000 are to partake until a portion of the 144,000 who are in heaven come and attack the earth who do not have their(X) seal on their foreheads for 42 months. You know the angels will hold the four corners of the earth until the 144,000 are sealed. After they are sealed they are to go thru the earth for 42 months and attack the ones who are not sealed. Which would be everyone else? LOL just a joke but true! Go figure that one! Hmm, maybe that fits right in with the fullfillment of the man with the writers(secretarys) inkhorn.
Ok, Why is it called a memorial? Because Christ partook before his death? Maybe because remembering and memorial really do not mean the samething? The meaning was lost a long the way! Do this in remembrance of me equates to memorial of his death? Hmmm. okay!
Okay so that is not what your asking! In 1914 he set up his invisible kingdom and he was enthroned, but like in Hebrew 1 and in Daniels around 10. Michael will stand up for his people. They claim Michael(Jesus) just received his enthronement, but he has not been given permission from Jehovah to stand up for his people the Jehovah's Witnesses yet!
OKay see the above Farkel, "5 Pillars of Truth About 1914!" LOL that is great!
I asked an elder this question when I was still a naive JW.....and he said that Jesus still was not in "full power" yet where everyone would know he had arrived, that he was still working from "behind the scenes". This would supposedly explain the idea that JWs are waiting for his biblically explained return along with mainstream Christianity, and still lend some sort of creedence to the idea that he was already here and had invisibly chosen the WTS as "THE only religion that pleased him" as they like to teach.
Proclaimers chap. 10 p. 137 Growing in Accurate Knowledge of the Truth
As the events following 1914 began to unfold and the Bible Students compared these with what the Master had foretold, they gradually came to appreciate that they were living in the last days of the old system and that they had been since 1914. They also came to understand that it was in the year 1914 that Christ's invisible presence had begun and that this was, not by his personally returning (even invisibly) to the vicinity of the earth, but by his directing his attention toward the earth as ruling King. -
Sunspot answers you most correctly. Jesus returns many ways, but has yet to return to
full power of rulership by destroying everyone who didn't pick up the leaflet in their
doorjamb and go to the District Convention or Memorial.The truth is that the Memorial is their Dog and Pony Show that still gets people to show
up. It is the closest thing to a normal church function comparible to Christendom.They have no Christmas, and Easter should be the big Christian holiday, anyway. The
JW's need something close to normal to make them feel special. -
If you don't understand the WTS answer, it's because you are obviously intelligent enough to discard bullsh*t when you hear it.
The whole authority doctrine of the WTS is tied up with the year 1914. If they say that Jesus has in fact "returned" then you don't need THEM(the WTS GB)
anymore. They want you to think YOU NEED THEM and they so continue this false doctrine. The Memorial simply reinforces YOUR NEED OF THEM
since the only way you can get saved, according to THEM, is to be in subordinate association with THEM. If you do not subordinate
yourself to THEM, you cannot enter into a relationship with God and subsequent salvation.
Sarah Smiles
Hmm! interesting post answers, maybe we are not the people who could be completely brain washed, yet some believe it whole hearts and minds!
Remember Jesus is just sitting at God's right hand, they are trying to fullfill bible prohphesy of Revelation when Jesus has his scepter and stand up like Michael.