Carl (larc) - A Tribute

by Farkel 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jourles

    Yep, he was one of the very first exjw's that I ever met. He didn't scare me one bit!

  • ZazuWitts

    Doug, Thank you for your 'tribute' to Larc (Carl). Hmmm, interestingly today would have been his 67th birthday! HA - did he 'contact' you and tell you to make this post? We are married for 42 years - tho I confess, sometimes it seemed like 200! Life was never dull with my old fart, that's for sure. Sometimes, when I'm down, I think of one of his stupid jokes, and just have to laugh. I recall, however, that he was so happy with your JFK/Berta write-up and truly felt that you had more ability to tell the saga then he had. He was very appreciative of your and Leolaia's efforts to fill out the facts. I believe he was instrumental in my stroke recovery - he just wouldn't let me give up (though, there were times I resented his efforts, and called him my 'nagger'. Our oldest daughter phoned last night (she is in her last year at Emory University, Medical School.) She was remembering her dad (birthday and all) And commented it it wasn't for his 'pushing' she would never have taken the plunge to go on to medical school. If there is a beyond - I'm certain he is thinking of so many of you. Carl thought you were brilliant, Doug, and so enjoyed your wit, and ability to cut through the bs of the Watchtower. I am doing well, and will be spending the cold winter in Hawaii. Many thanks to all who have replied on this post. Love, Zazu (Jan Thornton)

  • blondie

    I wish I had been able to know Larc better. His wife posts as Zazu Pitts. Hi, dear lady, and thanks for your phone call. Hope to hear from you again.


  • hillary_step


    Thank you. That was a very kind thing for you to do for Carl & Jan.

    As Outlaw noted, life on JWD was much tougher intellectually back then when time began. Very few "fluff" posts, in fact most of what needed to be said about the WTS was said then. We are just repeating ourselves continually now.

    Carl bought a very interesting persective on things and though he could be as tough on-line as needed, behind the scenes was a kind, gentle and thoughtful man.

    Heres to you Carl...(raises glass).


  • coffee_black

    Thanks for posting this Farkel.

    I met Carl and his wife, Jan years ago at a conference. Lovely people. Carl is sorely missed.


  • CyrusThePersian

    Thank you for posting this.

    It's always nice to remember those who have passed on.

    I didn't know that larc had a PhD. That explains why his topics were so insightful. I, for one, learned a lot from his posts. He had a way of writing that could make anyone understand even complicated stuff.

    He will be remembered, and he will be missed.


  • Sunspot

    Unfortunately, I never got to meet Carl in person, but I had the pleasure of "working" with him and others on a campaign-type cause for anti-WTS activity and we had shared emails and ideas on this activity. I do remember his online contributions with fondness.

    He WAS....quite a guy.

    How nice it was to see Jan's comment on this thread.....and thank you Doug, for remembering Carl with this tribute to him.



  • lisavegas420
    Doug, Thank you for your 'tribute' to Larc (Carl). Hmmm, interestingly today would have been his 67th birthday! HA - did he 'contact' you and tell you to make this post?

    Good question...why did you post this thread today..did you know it was his birthday? Happy Birthday larc. Where ever you are,.

    He told me a lovely story about being engaged to Jan...and telling her the truth......... that he did NOT want to be a JW..and she stayed with him.


  • nvrgnbk

    Thanks for posting this.

  • Blueblades

    Farkel, thanks for your expressions about Larc and Jan. I use to read his and your topics all the time. I think I'll go back and read some of his past topics again so I'll have a reconnect with him through JWD.He will be missed.We miss your postings too.


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