When Elders go too Far...

by BigBloomerz 50 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • yknot

    She is desparate, frustrated and hormonal......give her a break.

    Yes she should have gone to him privately first, but again sounds like she is seeking something that he is not giving her. Pregnancy can make all your emotions hyper!


    So let me get this straight. His wife is pregnant and you're talking to her husband about sex? Are you friends with her also or does she disapprove of your relationship with her husband? Frankly, i'm surprised at some of the responses. What self-respecting husband AND father of FOUR would be that insensitive to talk "jokingly" about sex with another woman when his wife is pregnant? What is he 15? Personally, this guy is nothing more than a coward. If talking to other women about sex is what he wants to do, why doesn't he disassociate himself and divorce his wife? Yet, most of you would rather blame her? Puh-lease!

  • Kudra

    Big boys and girls ("adults") can talk about sex with other adults even if they are married.

    They just shouldn't flirt. Beroean, are you a JW? From your immature answer it seems like you are.

    Only JWs have such a warped view of trust and "propriety".

  • ronin1


    I agree with Beroean.

    I think it's a matter of respect for your mate, regardless of your sexual preference.

    I would never text or e-mail another man and talk about sex. I feel I would be disrespecting myself and my husband.

    If he feels the need to do that, than just divorce his wife and be free to act in such a way.

    On the other hand, I do not agree with his wife's actions. I would have confronted him privately and not spread my business to the elders.

    They are just looking for anything to have a committee meeting about.....................

    Just my opinion.


  • WTWizard

    In fact, they employ everyone as spies. Your co-worker might pretend to take a liking to you; (s)he is a Witless in another congregation. In fact, this is used to gather information on you. They will try to find out what kind of music you are listening to, how much money you are making, what hours you work and what days, and so on. This gets reported back to your home congregation, and a month or so later, Brother Hounder stops at your house and gets you into an hours-long discussion that, since you leave work at such an hour, you ought to be able to pioneer and they will not leave you alone until you do.

    Or, they report how much you are spending. Cashiers at stores where you regularly shop can do this. You spend money on items that they feel are "frivolous", and it is reported. Then, Brother Hounder tells you that you spent so much money on videos or other "unnecessary items". That should have gone into the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund box in front of the Kingdumb Hell. Or, you are buying questionable items and must not buy them or use them because it will stumble[TM] others. Same if you are listening to "questionable" music at work or buying "questionable" CDs.

    Of course, once Brother Hounder has settled the issue, the "friend" cools down sharply. All they now want is to make sure you comply. In cases of finding a schedule or how much they have for the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund, they will go aloof totally at this time, while Brother Hounder takes the ball.

    Thus, if you are thinking of buying "sun worship" items, you might wish to do so online. That way, there is no way that a Witless spy working at the store (Wal-Mart seems infamous for this, but all department and grocery stores seem to have this problem since they do not discriminate against Witlesses and Witlesses usually get cashier and stock positions) can see you. No one working at Bronners or Christmas Mouse can be a Witless, since working there is banned by the Tower. If you live near a specialty store that specializes in this kind of merchandise, it is pretty safe since Witlesses are banned by the Tower from working or shopping at such places.

    Spies. All of them. Spies.

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    It could be worse the wife could have looked at his JC files and found your name on one!

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    LOL I am lost! who is gay?

  • monophonic

    the wife is whacked and bringing in the elders on this idiotic situation, completely pathetic.

    IF it was a real problem, these texts, she should've tried to work it out with her hubby herself.

    it could be a cultural difference, some regions of the USA, believe it or not, are pretty open discussing sex, and the USA is looked upon as absurd for it's prude ways. I'm married and this is stuff my wife talks about with guys and girls and i talk about with guys and girls....the try before you buy innuendos, for anyone to be offended by that and think that the hubby is at fault and deserves the blatant disregard for the wife trying to work it out with him if she's uncomfortable instead of running to the elders....that's pathetic.

    BTW, love the topic title, it sounds like the makings of a tv show.

  • JWdaughter

    Weird, a married gay father of four JW is reported to his elders by his wife, who knows he's gay-for racy text mesgs to a woman? The gay part never got her attention? They have bigger issues than her tattling to the elders about the texting.

  • BigBloomerz
    So let me get this straight. His wife is pregnant and you're talking to her husband about sex? Are you friends with her also or does she disapprove of your relationship with her husband? Frankly, i'm surprised at some of the responses. What self-respecting husband AND father of FOUR would be that insensitive to talk "jokingly" about sex with another woman when his wife is pregnant? What is he 15? Personally, this guy is nothing more than a coward. If talking to other women about sex is what he wants to do, why doesn't he disassociate himself and divorce his wife? Yet, most of you would rather blame her? Puh-lease!

    The guy isnt a JW anymore, he used to be until about 2 years ago. He wasnt offering sex to me, iw as talking to him about sex with my partner, and we were having a discussion about the JWS view to sex before marriage, hsi remark being "you should always try before you buy" He doesnd discuss the details of sex with me at all, he is a good friend, and the family have done a lot for me in the past, but his wife has now gone a bit too obsessed with things and accused me of being a flirt.....One question...Why would i flirt with a gay man?

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