Gregor.... That's what I'm talking about. Here's the rules if your a JW. MY opinion is right, yours is wrong. If you don't agree I won't talk to you. You're sinful and wrong, thus a bad association. You will take this shunning crap and like it; THe FAds aren't just men they're chosen thus what they say is from "God's mouthpiece"; failure to comply to this foolishness results in shunning until you conform. Gregor, like you point out, everything they say to you would make them mad as hell if you said it to them. Huff
Update on family reunion and other things
by dawg 25 Replies latest jw friends
I admire your courage. I have no problems with an in-your-face attitude. I think there's a place for that. There's also a place for a more subtle approach as well. Not all methods are effective against all people. Some people might be helped out by using your approach. Others might be helped to see the light with a more subtle approach. Just keep your tactics within the realm of decency, not going over the line like Danny Haszard did when he pepper sprayed two old JWs in the face, and you'll always have my respect. Best of luck.
Dawg! Welcome back, you ol' varmint! Good work on your family - well done. Mrs Flipper
I thought the "Dawg" catcher had picked you up.
Glad to see your update.
Man, I missed you!
Good on you for your letter campaign, glad to hear it went well.
Unlike some that might need counseling, you seem to be motivated by positive ideals of wanting your family free.
I don't sense any 'revenge motive'.
You stay in their faces, short of pepper-spray, and I got yer back, man.
Good job! I agree with what you did. By writing that letter and sticking up for yourself as a person of worth, you take away some of the WTS's power over you and your family.
Thank you all for your kindhearted encouragement. Just remember, not all will respond well if you stick it to them, but some damn sure do. And it may get the ball rolling so that you may save others, so others in your family can live happy fuller lives than the screwed up one that we were all dealt as a JW. Huff
You are doing exactly what we discussed on another thread. Not taking it like a scrawny new inmate at the state pen.! Good for you. I am amazed at the overwhelmingly positive comments you got. You really made a difference.
So how was the atmosphere at the reunion? Did your folks look at you crosswise? Did everyone greet you?
JW daugfhter,
they cancelled the reunion, which made one of my cousins have one of his own sans anyone that would treat non-JWs in a bad fashion. This young man, who wishes to remain anomyus for now, is still a JW, but in private conversations he's told me he knows its crap. Everyone, and I mean everyone, is talking about my letters and most are agreeing with me, some are openly taking a stand against the witnesses either verbally or in letters. Many reletives are calling me and e-mailing me (i put my numbers on the bottom of the letters) and expressing their views. JWs are calling me knowing they're not supposed to be talking to an open "apostate" like me, yet they just can't help themselves. JW daughter, you are seeing the end of this faith; some will always believe but the evidence is too overwhelming for this to continue. I believe that the end of this foolishness religion is assured.
CHH, Dawg.
Great update. I am starting to be more straightforward about the Borg. It won't quite work out the
same with my two family members, but they know some things now. I think if I had JW family
all over the map, I would have to be more vocal.I am happy that you have your freedom, and some others are looking for / finding theirs. Good job.