Religion is a snare and a racket

by cwg 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • cwg

    For many years I was a Jehovah's Wittness Elder, attended school in Pittsburg in the sixties and elder school in the early seventies, I have sat in on many judicial commities. One dealing with a Petophile. Yes it was never reported to the athorities. He should have been shot. That was the begining of my loss of faith. Today I am an athiest.

    In closed is an article I wrote explaining only one of the reasons for the way I believe today.

    Religion is a snare and a Racket

    So stated Judge Rutherford, then President of the WTBTS, concerning the religions of his time. Of course he was refering to other religions not Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Personally I think this was a misnomer, It should be, RELIGION IS A PACK OF WOLVES. We need olny look at rerligious groups throughout the world to see that they are all like a pack of wolves. Wolves while hunting in packs will turn on an injured member of the pack and consume it.

    Religions while supposedly pursuing their goal of everlasting life in one form or another will quickly turn on one another at the least sign of weakness whle touting their own holiness.

    for centuries so called Pagan religions fought among themselves. Then with the rise of the Isrealites she became their target.

    With the birth of christianity, Rome recognized this as a source of rising power. Thus the birth of the Catholic Church. Part of whose doctrines can be found in all christian religions today.

    Most will say not Ours, Then tell me who decided which books of the New Testament would be authenic and become part of the bible from which they teach.

    Then along came Martin Luther, Quaker, Shakers Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses. Breaking away from the so called accepted religions of their time.

    The Mormon church will say, "Not Ours!" Our book was copied from gold plates directly from God. However it does not take much of an expert to see the subterfuge. As any expert will tell you when a person takes an alias they will usually use the same first letter of their old name in their new one. Now look at the book of Mormans and copare the names there with the same person in the bible.

    Look at any news release concerning the abominable action of someone in any religion and immediately we see the pack of wolves turn on that religion with all the ferocity of wolves.

    They forget that they alre all supposedly worshiping the same supreme creator. This applies not only to christian religions but also to all the other religions throughout the world. We need only read the headlines in news papers and magazines to substantiate these facts.

    I woder how these so called devout worshipers can justify their actions, for surely they cannot all be right, even if they claim to be.

    For thousands of years the world has prayed for divine intervention on behalf of their armies even though the religions of most condem the killing of ther fellow man. I ask, "For whom should God have intervened during WWII, the Catholics and Protastants of Germany and Italy Or the Catholic and Pprotastants of the USA and it's alies?"

    Which faction of the muslim religion should he choose? She he choose Budhism, Hinduism, Confucianism? We could go on and on for each would say their's is the true religion.

    While be born, raised and serving in the Air Force of this great nation, I do not feel God was the devine force behind it's creation, rather it was the strength of those willin to stand, be counted, and die for the freedom they hold so dear.

    Rather than being a uniting force, religion has used her power to separate, Did not the priest hood use the so called pagan religion of our Indian forfathers as an excuse to eradicate them?

    While the Holocaust in Germany against the Jews was horrible and should be condemed by all. Turn back to you bible and reada the accounts of the Isrealites and what they did to the people in the so called promised land.

    Most will say this was under GOD'S orders. If your god orderd the slaughter of every man woman and child in those cities, he is a cruel and bloodthirsty god unworthy of being worshiped. rather he is the leader of a pack of wolves.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Welcome cwg. Now I shall go read that article you posted.

    Hope you stick around.


  • journey-on

    Welcome, cwg. Great first post. I, myself, am turned off by organized religion of any sort. However, I still believe

    in a Divine Presence, but I don't think his name is Jehovah. I'm still on my spiritual journey and remain open with

    ears to hear and eyes to see.

  • Gopher

    Hey CWG,

    Welcome aboard. There are people of many different religions and philosophies here, agnosticism and atheism included. I personally am atheist.

    A lot of horror and terror has been inflicted on innocent people in the name of "God", there can be no doubt. I think the religionists who wrote the Bible and many today would misrepresent even a true God.

    Many on the board say they're spiritual but cannot fathom attending any church. Based on what we all went through with the JW's, I can understand that too. A few do attend church, and so we always get lively discussions with different viewpoints represented here.

    Glad you found us.

  • LongHairGal


    The sickening irony is that this is exactly what JWs are! If they didn't start out this way, they sure ended up this way. They point the finger but their own words come back to describe them!

    A typical case of the pot calling the kettle black!


  • BFD
    Religion is a snare and a Racket

    Amen to that. It's the only thing Rutherfraud got right.

    Welcome, I enjoyed your first post. Pack of wolves, indeed.


  • poppers

    Welcome to the board; I enjoyed your post.

  • jaguarbass

    Welcome CWG. Good post. I agree with what you say.

  • blueviceroy

    I prefer to say it's blind and confused now .

    Use to have a real axe to grind but now I think I can cease and just help with the healing

    I think now that the world is a trap/scam/delusion not just relgions.

    The world at large is just as gulty as any religion for all of the same IMAGINED offenses.

    Self delusion is our biggest offender not confused simpletons pushing an arrogant belief

    But all things being relative "Burn down the mission!"

  • Twitch

    Welcome cwg

    Glad to have ya aboard!

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