Is that a snake in my toilet?

by Uzzah 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Uzzah

    I know where some of your minds went with this topic name but ... just in time for all the horror movies and Halloween scares ....

    Woman In Shock After 7-Foot Python Peeps Through Her Toilet

    Thursday October 18, 2007 This sounds like a made-up story just in time for Halloween. But everyone's nightmare really happened to a New York City woman and she's still struggling to get over it.

    Nadege Brunacci was in the bathroom of her apartment at the crack of dawn Monday morning, and fortunately for her she was only washing her hands. But she felt like someone was looking at her, so she glanced around the tiny room. What she saw staring back at her nearly gave the 38-year-old a heart attack. Peeking out of her toilet were the beady eyes of a 7-foot long python.

    At first she wasn't sure just what that thing in her bowl was. "I thought my daughter dropped her sweater in it, to tell you the truth. She is five years old and the shadow was so big, I was like - it's not possible," she recalls. And then she turned on the light and began screaming. The full length of the serpent was still coiled in the pipes, but one glimpse was enough to convince Brunacci to get out of there, pronto. She slammed down the lid, put a heavy box over it and called her landlord and the local fire department.

    And this snake in the grass - er - toilet wasn't easy to rescue. Crews were forced to tear up her downstairs neighbour's pipes and managed to eventually pull the lengthy creature out of its coiled containment. It's still not clear how the python got there.

    So what happened to it? Officials gave it to Brunacci, who in turn handed it over to a friend. That pal has decided to keep it as a pet. Its new name? What else: "Nadege."

    The restaurant owner whose day got off to such a scary start admits she'll never quite feel the same again about going into the little girl's room. She's now using her daughter's training toilet whenever nature calls at home. "I'm looking over my shoulder," she admits. But perhaps that's not the right direction. Maybe she should be looking down instead.

  • Scully

    Yeah, look down, lady.

    *shudder* that story made me think of the X-Files episode of the flukeman lurking in the nasty end of the outhouse.

  • Gopher

    Another sign that the "end of the world" is near.

  • ex-nj-jw

    And to think I almost had a heart attack when my lab dropped 2 baby moles in my toilet!!!!! Poor woman, I think I'd have to move and I'd never feel comfortable sitting on the toilet again!


  • dawg

    Im say that everytime i look between my legs while on the throne.... ha!

  • Mary

    Given my holy terror of snakes, I think I would have died right then and there.

  • Uzzah

    Mental note - practical joke ideas to play on Mary

  • BFD

    Was it pushing forbidden fruit?

    Poor, Mary! Watch out!



    Now you know why we tell you guys to PUT THE SEAT DOWN!


  • Paralipomenon

    sankes in the (porcelain) tower


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