I agree with Flying high,,,,,,,, it could be dangerous for the girls on birth control pills, there are many warnings of side effects. I know 3 young ladies on the pill and the depo shot, they are all 17 and over 18, you should see what it does to their emotions. I think at 11 to 13 , is such a hard age for young girls , changing for a little girl to a woman. My daughter is 14 and I am very protective of her. Pretty much most of the time I know where she is.......I try very hard to know what she is doing, where she is going etc. I still do not let her run the roads with who ever. However,,,,,,, I found ways to do what I wanted to but I was 17 or so. I hope that by asking all the questions of where she is going, etc, keeping interested in her life, her friends, being involved, talking openinly about sex, will help her not get into it for sometime to come.......I just hope.
I can not imagine the school giving these young girls the pill, when emotions and hormones are not yet really regulated. What if the child/girl has some kind emotional problems? could the pill , the drastic unnatural state of hormones cause her to become seriously depressed? I know it can work the other way too and help with some female issues and be a better benefit than before but I think Mom or Dad should be watching for side effects if they allow a child to be on the Pill. How can they know to watch for signs if the school doesnt let them know what the child is taking?
And to think that some girls got suspended from school for having a Midol in her purse? I just think that was overboard and I really think that giving out birth control to 11 to 13 year old is overboard as well.
I think I would go with 15 and older for the pill, but also condoms should be giving at the same time with the package of pills, just so they know that the two go together and not just the use of The pill , to be safe they go together.