any takers?
what question would you like to ask a gilead instructor?
by badboy 18 Replies latest jw friends
I would ask, "Hello gilea instructor, can you tell me what a gilea is?"
Homerovah the Almighty
Were you really too stupid to go to collage ?
here's the gildea family web page:
as for gilead instructors, wouldn't have a clue. Gilead was always out of my realm.
how can we use a bible like nwt that so chock full of fraudulent passages? what if poeple at the doors show us the 237 spurious verses where we have removed kyrios and theos, and for no good reason at all, replace them with the name Jehovah? Whay is appendix 1-d so misleading as to the true answer? Can we go to your WIZZARD WORD SCHOOL so we can learn to write like a crooked car sales man speaks?
If we are driving to call, and are on our cell phone to arrange the next study, can we count double-time?
make it stoooop.....oompa
which governing body member touch your naughty place?
Do you really believe that stuff you are teaching?
Since the Witness message is essentially an anti-establishment message, how in the heck do they spread their "gospel" in areas that are completely unchurched? Who have never heard of the catholic church or a bible?
Two of the three instructors actually went to Gilead and were missionaries before being "reassigned" to teach Gilead at varioius points in the 90's. The third insctructor was a protege of Fred Franz and used to be Albert Schroeder's Secretary. He reads Biblical Hebrew and Greek. He studies very hard. He is relied upon heavily to research ancient bible texts for the borg. He also occasionally writes articles for the WT.
None of the instructors go out of their way to get too close to the students, at least not in my class. All of what is taught at Gilead comes directly from the Governing Body in volumes of 3-ring binders. All instructors are required to cover their outlines thoroughly. Just before the class, the instructor will walk in and take his seat, and that signals that class will start. If they aren't teaching, they stay huddled in their offices.
The GB depends on these three instructors to serve as a committee in recommending brothers and couples, and making observations as to their personalities, etc.
As far as I can tell, all three instructors believe 100% everything that the GB teaches.