Please read about this common danger and pass along to your friends and family...
CONSUMER ALERT---Please read and pass along!!!!
by zeroday 18 Replies latest jw friends
ooooh yes! dangerous stuff!!
it's a major component of acid rain, industrial coolants, and,
you could actually drown in this stuff, if you don't know
how to swim! -
The campaign has now swept over to Germany but the government is denying, denying. I think it is the lobby.
Anytime someone sends me somethng like this, I check it out on "".
Here ya go.
You've been duped, Zeroday. Sorry.
Burger Time
bahahahahaha suckers! It's just oxygen...
Just in case anyone was thinking there was a major hazard or a scam, dihydrogen monoxide is nothing more than plain water.
Just in case anyone was thinking there was a major hazard or a scam, dihydrogen monoxide is nothing more than plain water.
Do not listen to this heretic WE MUST ACT NOW.....
I quit!
A while back I found out DHMO was even in my morning coffee so now I only drink DHMO free coffee. Removing the DHMO did change the taste and texture and if I drink more than a few sips I start gagging but at least now I feel safe.
Zeroday, I'm not sure if you are kidding or not.
If you are not kidding, then click on this link, maybe it will help you to see the truth.
If you are not kidding, then click on this link, maybe it will help you to see the truth.
Wikipedia is not a reliable site. It is obvious it has been infiltrated by the antiChrist at the following site: