JWs aren't the only ones who have to deal with crazy religious beliefs
by B_Deserter 10 Replies latest jw experiences
JWs are almost Orthodox Jews with a touch of Jesus belief.
The word "crazy" goes together with religious beliefs like the words Peanutbutter and Jelly.
*no offense intended to peanutbutter or jelly*
Country Girl
Maybe the Salt Lake City Tribune is attempting to divert its readers from its state's own little "strange religious" problem.
If you look at some web sites on Orthodox Judaism, in reference to women's "rules and regulations" <there's a word for them, but I can't remember what they're called>, it's pretty scary!
Take away religious beliefs, and it will take care of most wars in this world. Would be a good start...
As much as I despise the WTS, they haven't even begun to scratch the surface of 'crazy!'
These people:
Are a sex cult started by David Berg, and they used to send their young ladies out in 'service' as 'hookers for Christ' They called it flirty fishing.
Then Berg died, and his daughter took over, and it got REALLY weird!
She said they were the 'bride' of Christ, and that Christ wanted to 'have relations' with his bride. All cult members were told to um, 'pleasure themselves' while 'thinking about Jesus'...
Offering masturbation as some kind of prayer or something.
What if you were a male?
You were expected to imagine yourself female, and 'beat it' to Jesus! It was supposed to be a 'test' of humility or something, but I have to wonder what Jesus thought...
It was a beautiful day in heaven, as they all are and Jesus and Jehovah are looking at maps planning the Big A when the prayer line rings. Jesus picks it up and hears heavy breathing.
"Uh Lord, what are you wearing?..."
Jesus hangs up in disgust, God asks "who was it?"
"It was an usdamn obscene phonecall!"
Jesus walks to the railing that looks out over the world and uses his Super Jesus Vision to find the origin of the call...
"Let's see, almost got him, THERE! That's the first guy fed to the birds! Sicko!"
Heheheheheh, fun with cults.
This another case of man dominating woman to her injury. The shunning is relly cute to not a bit coersive or corrosive to relationships sound goo to me - I don't think
The women in orthodox jewish communities have similar problems here in the uk to
That cult is the coolest thing I've ever heard of. -
I've never had them ring my door bell. I would definitely listen to their message. Do the ladies preach in pairs? That would be a plus!!! -Joking. Please don't flame me. (ok not joking... Please knock on my door)
Surely the JWs are not the worst cult out there, they are average on the scale of cultic perversion which means there are much worse ones operating in the world eg the scientologists. As for the Jews I don't know how they can carry the Mosaic laws on divorce in the modern world ending a marriage with a woman so easily.
WOW, I really did laugh out loud at that description. So funny.