I spent the weekend visiting some of my jw relatives. We were sitting around chatting and eventually got to the "death report" where I am updated about who had died around town since my last visit. Someone mentioned Sister So&So had passed on and I asked how old she was. She was in her 90's so I mentioned that was a pretty good run from old age. It was immediately pointed out that Sister So&So had died of a heart attack. Something about the way that her death from age was deflected to death from a sudden cause got me thinking about other death reports I have heard over the years. Every time some old jw geezer dies, its always a heart attack or a stroke or something, but never old age. Has anyone else noticed this or am I being dumb?
JW's do not die of old age
by frozen one 10 Replies latest jw friends
Not sure about JWs, but over here, "old age" has become a more common cause of death than it used to be... It is now medically acceptable to put that in some circumstances, rather than indicate which system or organ of the body failed.
frozen one
While a medical report may indicate old age as the cause of death, it just seems to me that jw's, particularly elderly jw's, have a hard time admitting that someone has died from old age. It's like they are in denial about the possibility that someone from their peer group has actually grown old and died.
Barring any other medical issues, the most common way for an otherwise healthy elderly person to die is for their heart to stop beating.
Technically, a heart attack.
But it's kind of like when my alarm clock stops ticking when the battery wears out.
Considering they are all going to die eventually, they'd better start getting used to the idea.
It's funny how a few decades ago, a JW said to me that the reason The Truth™ appealed to her was because she didn't want to get old and die. Well guess what... she's getting old... and one day she is going to die. She still has not accepted that reality, because she still expects Armageddon™ to come along any day now, and for the New System™ to be ushered in and rescue her from the inevitable effects of aging.
The Oracle
That was the hardest part of my awakening Scully....
coming to the realization that I was going to die after all.
That part really sucked.
When you have been expecting, your entire life, to never grow old and to never taste death, you kind of take on a super hero personality.
Eventually when you come crashing down to earth and realize that your value system had been built inside a matrix of sorts - it is bittersweet. Your no longer immortal, but you are free!
Thankfully the sweetness of freedom outweighs the downer of death.... weird but true.
The Oracle
I guess that it is an easier pill to swallow if "Satan's System" attacks them, rather than admitting that senescence has got the better of them.
I didn't consider the motive - thanks for the insight.
Dead Jehovah`s Witness`s are no longer buried..They are sent to WBT$ owned Taxidermy "Stuff a Dub"......Once stuffed,dead Jehovah`s Witness`s are sent back to congregations whose numbers are dwindling.It help keeps up meeting attendance..And..Increases reported field ministry time..Stuffed Jehovah`s Witness`s can be left in any weather,to do street corner work for weeks at a time..It seems the public can`t tell the difference between a stuffed Jehovah`s Witness and one thats still alive.....LOL!!...OUTLAW
I swear I am not making this up...An elder in a nearby hall and his wife were true hippies and came in in the early seventies. They told me that after they had been baptized and in their congo for two years an old sister died. They were devastated! and were asking wtf is going on around here...They actually made it all that way thinking dubs WOULD NOT DIE before the end came! They are pretty old now and at least one is still able to work...it is sad. Also:
Oracle: That was the hardest part of my awakening Scully.... coming to the realization that I was going to die after all. That part really sucked.
That part does not bother me Oracle (probably because I wish was dead so often the last two years, doing much better with that btw), what bothers me is getting old, sick, feeble. I swear I will not, I want to go in the saddle riding hard! So I'm guessing 70-75 tops....oompa
me and outlaw all cute and side by side xxxooo
Stuff a Dub ROTFLMAO
That got my brain juices going again. The locals are never gonna see this one coming.
As far as I know, no one dies of old age, just like you dont really die from cancer. You die from the failure of a particular organ. The heart, kidneys, brain, lungs etc.
I could tell you that my father died of prostrate cancer or tell you after he had prostrate cancer for 5 years the cancer spread to his kidneys and he died because his kidneys shut down. Or I could say he died of old age he was 74. That was probably the average life expectancy of someone born in the 20's.
But then again, I guess its all semantics.