Annual Report no longer to be included in WT but Kingdom Ministry

by truthseeker 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • loveis

    It won't take us long to get a copy from somewhere...

    ...even if we have to wait for the CD to be available

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but the annual report isn't on the WTLib CD. Check your copy and see.

    It says something like "For fully formatted text see publication".

    Edited: OK, the TOTALS of the report maybe, but that's it.

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams

    Is there a full scan of the WT posted somewhere?


  • Jourles

    They're not removing the report due to "apostates" getting hold of it. Hell, we see every pub before it becomes available to the average jdub! They know that no matter what, we'll always leak/copy/scan anything newsworthy to the web. Since the growth figures are primarily for the r&f's benefit only(how many householders would care about the amount of kh's located in Timbuktu?), they are merely switching it to the proper venue is all. I see it as a possible but *small* cost cutting measure. Why waste 4-6 pages in a "public version" WT when the people receiving it could care less? Put those pages where they will be read -- in a "private" publication which is printed in far fewer numbers.

  • NewYork44M

    It will be interesting to see if the content and presentation is the same as compared to prior years. I suspect that if the wt sees numbers on the decline the presentation of the statistics will drastically change.

  • GermanXJW
  • AlphaOmega

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but the annual report isn't on the WTLib CD. Check your copy and see.

    It says something like "For fully formatted text see publication".

    Edited: OK, the TOTALS of the report maybe, but that's it.

    Damn... we'll still find a way

  • AlphaOmega

    Is there a full scan of the WT posted somewhere?


    Yep... it's here... GermanXJW - thanks for the link it'll be interesting to see if they update it next year. I guess that they will.

  • metatron

    Scully has given the most probable answer: they want reporting of statistics to go away because they

    are increasingly an embarrassment. Sure, they are still growing - in the 3rd world, mostly, but huge

    areas of Europe and other developed nations are at zero or in actual decline. Also, the number of

    baptisms last year was about the same as 17 years ago! What are 3 million more Witnesses doing

    in "disciple making", anyway?

    The Society moved the stats reporting to February after lying about the reason ( late reports)

    They need to make this reporting 'go away' in a gradual manner that the friends don't notice.

    and by the way, the fact that they do things like this - to hide failure from the friends - increases

    the sense that the Governing Body are aware of their own fraud and deceptions. They are

    crafting a false image of an organization without serious problems.


  • Nosferatu

    Wow, this is interesting.

    Now, considering that they would be releasing the report right around now, but they're not, they have two extra months to play with the numbers. Either the numbers are an embarrasment to the rest of the world, or they're doctoring them up for the R&F.

  • WTWizard

    I can only hope that embarrassment because they failed to crest the dreaded 7 million mark is the main reason. I would like them to head back down toward 6 million and lower.

    They don't want the average person to see the numbers headed south. If the people at the door saw that, they would wonder why the organization can't hold onto people and would think twice before joining.

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