by writetoknow 87 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • writetoknow

    You can not prove that it is fact you can only validate the information in believing in the person that collected the imformation as being honest.

    The very thing you discredit Christain for.

  • Happy Harvester
    Happy Harvester

    Here you will find a very clean, concise, understandable explanation of 29 evidences for evolution by common descent, if you actually do care to come to an understanding of this theory:

    I enjoyed reading this a few months back, and think you might also find it interesting. Good luck in your search, writetoknow.


  • writetoknow

    Good now were getting somewhere! Atheistism is a belief to Christain as faith is to an athiest. Just because you believe in your belief and not a belief does not prove anything too me. We all pick and choose what supports are beliefs.
    Christain try to explain things away with words and you chop them to piece your explaination of not a belief is something that atheist coin toget around accepting responsiblity for other athiest.
    Yet all of you use the same agrument past down my the cult leaders and you state it not a belief and that your not responsible for teaching those beliefs and yet you demand Christian be held accountable for their teachings come one guy get real. You wouldn't be wasting you time on this forum if it didn't matter.

  • writetoknow

    Yes I've read that information and I am sure your sincere but I could post another 50 point to prove creation. It really doesn't mean a thing it what agenda one is promoting.

    Actually the point of this discussion was to show how intolerent groups are of each others views. I have time and again stated in many forums that winning and argument proves nothing, but because we like politics and believe that it does. People spend hours debating something that is only go to entrench the other person in their beliefs even more.

    A person can pick a part any subject because a person cannot prove anything to a person that has their mine made up. There are a number of smuge people on this forum that claim they are intellectually superior because they can logic and put others down.

    Anyone with a half a brain can do that. Anyone can post a thousand articals to support their agenda. No one like having motives imput to them no one like people stating they are not smart enough to know what they believe in and what their conviction are. No one likes hate speech claiming one group is better then another.

    We live in a country founded on religious freedom because of that religious freedom there is tolerance for debates like these. That does not make all that the US stand for as right but come on a little credit is do for people that have provide us those freedoms. And those people must have done a little right most people in the world want to come here for those freedoms. Perhaps some lessons have been learn by Christain and that the reason this country exist.

    If the truth about what atheist promote about Christain were true over 1000 years ago they would have no rights in this country. No Christain I have every meant want to do away with athiest beliefs but I have certain heard the opposite of those claiming no belief in God towards religion.

  • Gopher

    God doesn't matter to me. Irrational beliefs need to be called out. That's the only reason I came to this thread.

    For the last time, atheism is NOT a belief. Religion is a set of beliefs. Atheism is a refusal to believe that which cannot be scientifically proved. If you think you have 50 ways to "prove" creation, fine. Nobody can "prove" it.

    Now I am leaving this thread and you can impugn me all you want. Bye.

  • Happy Harvester
    Happy Harvester
    It really doesn't mean a thing it what agenda one is promoting

    Especially when one is under the influence or is unable and unwilling to comprehend the facts.

    I shall remove myself from this thread until you can communicate sensibly, without writing in a near-drunken, slovenly, graphomanic rant, and when you find it less challenging to write and read comprehensively.

  • writetoknow

    Thank both of you for your comments. No I don't hold your views you can call that what every you wish. But on the other hand you don't hold my view so we are both equally narrow minded on some subject. Because you claim your thoughts as fact and better really does not mean they are - accept in you own mind.

    Especially when one is under the influence or is unable and unwilling to comprehend the facts.

    I shall remove myself from this thread until you can communicate sensibly, without writing in a near-drunken, slovenly, graphomanic rant, and when you find it less challenging to write and read comprehensively.

    1.) To remove oneself sounds like the queens is leaving the castle

    2.) To communicate sensibly mean if you don't communicate the way I want it not sensible because I am perfectly rights.

    3.) near drunken, slovenly, graphomanic rant. Typical enlighten condescending reply to anyone that don't think my way "GRAPHOMANIC" great words but it not in the dictonary of thought I am sure the queen of proper english had a meaning for her defamation.

    4.) the RANT the cowards way of saying "it not fair I can't have it my way" so everyone that disagree RANT but your writings are logical and concise.

    5.) "Comprensively" is what Hilter wanted everyone to do in his kingdom totally agree on his point of view or it wasn't comprensively

  • writetoknow

    Another sweeping generalization irrational beliefs must be called out. Your beliefs are irrational and you were called out to prove your claims.

    There are many scholars that disagee with your continual belief Atheism is not a belief that atheistism is in fact a belief and it requires putting faith in the people that have formed the belief in to logcial debate. You yourself quote some of those formost thoughts of its advocates.

    It not a happy thought that you must put faith in their writings and defend their beliefs to support your beliefs. Certainly that not a comfortable position for someone considering Christain as weak and unintellengent for putting faith in God's word.

    So you have proved nothing except to yourself. You choose to read information written by someone proving a point. You choose to believe what they say is fact and truth. That your choice but it does not mean its " proven or truth". It is your belief that it is and that the same agrument use to prove to Christain God does not exist.

    And if we don't accept your point of view you do the cowardly thing and attack them on personal grounds. So the veil of hate is revealed. You can hate religion all you want but your attacks only prove you have the same religious ferver you condenm.

  • changeling

    Just what we need, another wacko!

    Kook alert!

    Kook alert!

    Kook alert!


  • nvrgnbk

    My dear fellow poster, writetoknow, an increased familiarity with the English language would serve you well.


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