Went to one day assembly at the weekend.....

by The Scotsman 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • skeeter1

    Thank Jehovah. My mobile phone is OLDER than a year. That proves I'm a true Christian!

    (Actually, I'm just damn cheap & hate to reprogram all my numbes.).


  • Blueblades

    Thanks for that report Scotsman. Sounds like it was a simple refresher meeting on the subjects of "We Control You".


  • Mary
    One of the talks mentioned how the world can "prime" our minds. He said - People just follow what they hear, do not question it, believe anything.
    And I thought - hmm, I am surrounded by people like that!!

    Yet in the next breath, they're warning the R&F how dangerous 'independent thinking' is.

    Also another talk mentioned how the media can affect our faith. He mentioned a few newspaper articles that apparently had mis-qouted the society. It was noticable that he did not mention articles about the UN & the NGO status nor the child abuse case recently in London.

    Yes, this is what always annoyed me. They make vague references to 'newspaper articles', and how they 'misquote' or 'lie', but they will never, ever tell you what it is they misquoted or lied about, nor can they back up their statements with any proof or evidence whatsoever. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

    The speaker said this - "The media is an instrument of Satan. He manipulates. He distorts. He promulgates lie after lie through international media".

    Yes. Except when the Witnesses get those rare moments of 'good coverage' in the Media. Then it's all 'see how wonderful we are'? If the media is run by Satan de Debbil, why would he give the Witnesses any positive coverage at all?

    The bethel speaker mentioned how many are simply leaving the organisation.(A remarkable admission) Apparently those leaving have this attitude = "Your not going to tell me what to do anymore!"

    Partly that. But also partly because alot more have figured out that the Governing Body are nothing but a bunch of filthy liars who demand unquestioning obedience, even though they've never got one prophecy right, have destroyed hundreds of thousands of lives through their shunning policy, have literally murdered their own followers due to their warped interpretations of the scriptures on blood, vaccinations and organ transplants, and have a track record of harboring pedophies and have lied about their own past. And they wonder why people are leaving? The only wonder is that they have any members left at all.

  • tijkmo

    why on earth do they think it's necessary to comment on mobile phones at all..

    paul gillies was the bro who lied to the gaurdian...mind you he was just repeating the lies he was told i guess

  • Rooster

    ((( So there was no "new light" at this assembly? )))

    Not directly but change was hinted at a few times.

    Are you adaptable to change, the bethel brother asked? Do we follow the direction of the slave whatever it takes?

    Definately preparing for changes.

    2 were baptized - lowest in years.

    As Jim Jones once said, "it's now time to drink the coolaid"..

  • Finally-Free
    (1) Buying a new mobile phone every 6 months is wrong and shows a lack of contentment.

    They've got it all wrong! I had to upgrade my phone (for free) in April because my provider was upgrading it's network and no longer supporting the old one. Last month I upgraded to a Blackberry. The BB has GPS capability, and could be an excellent tool for field serviceā„¢.


  • purplesofa
    (6) Someone who Swears in private is living a double life.

    I remember when my aunt became a JW.

    It was funny as her fav swear was to say Holy $h*t. Somehow I just pictured her in the closet saying HS, or driving in the car saying HS.......leading a double life.


  • WTWizard

    In effect, it is identical to just about every one of these wastefests in the past 40 years, save for the updates for new toys. Back then, they would have said that getting a new TV every 6 months or reading too many (non-JW) books was bad. Now, it is getting a new cell phone every 6 months and using the Internet. Same difference.

  • The Scotsman
    The Scotsman

    I meant to say that the word is out regarding the generation change - loads were talking about it but never from the platform.

    Some Bros very exited - the end is nearer than ever before.

    Also some chat about the Dragnet, do not know what the change is with that.

  • anewme

    Every time someone makes the supreme sacrifice to attend one of these I am so grateful!
    The reported discourses put me right back in the small seats feeling depressed, miserable and bored to tears. I was the supreme candidate to succeed in the borg----do-gooder, people pleaser, humble, unworthy,
    ex-catholic, poor and obedient. But even I began to rebel when it became apparent after 35 long boring years that all the talks were rehashed repetitions of old talks. It was all a bizarre episode out of Bill Murray's "Ground Hog Day".

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