Mouthy, Deputy Dog, Apostate Kate, and Investigator74

by AuldSoul 32 Replies latest jw experiences

  • mouthy

    I'M BACK!!!!!!It was so great!!!!!! To hug & cuddle you all!!!!!! Auld Soul,Invest! Dr Bob!
    Freetobe,! Apostate Grace ,Rick, Ferrons, Brandon,Come on who did I forget the name off, I sat behind you sweetie...

  • mouthy

    What is this about TREV???

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Oh Mouthy, I thought someone would have told you by now. Get a cup. Sit down. and chalk it up to being human. What a wonderful thing it is, to be human.

    Keep up your sense of humor!!!!! It's not really that funny, but....

  • mouthy

    Oh Mouthy, I thought someone would have told you by now. Get a cup. Sit down. and chalk it up to being human. What a wonderful thing it is, to be human.

    Keep up your sense of humor!!! WHAT??????TELL ME NOW!!!!

  • horrible life
    horrible life


    Trev was a fraud. Linda did not die. Linda never existed

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Huge threads, lots of pain, here the last few days. I think we are all healing. I pray you read, shake your head, and heal.

  • Zico


    It's a very sad story, and many of us have been hurt by it. It seems Linda 'fullofdoubtnow' was a fictional character invented by Trev, who has been posting as her for the last 2 years. She was completely the work of Trev's mind. She never had cancer, she never died, as she never lived.

    Trev has said he will return the money you sent him to you. Be sure that he does.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Grace, this is alot of reading, I hope you are doing well. With all of the good, good people here, one bad apple, out of the lot of us, isn't that bad.

  • Junction-Guy

    I have been to that conference twice and I enjoyed meeting and talking with people. Does anyone know if Sybil was there? I havent talked to her in a while.

  • mouthy

    No Sybil wasnt there JG

    Thanks for telling me about TReV I just got off the phone she was very kind enought to fill me in.
    Thanks You SO MUCH Scully.
    All I can say is he put me through HELL again. I went through 1 year & seven months looking after my Melanie who died with cancer , I prayed, cried, sobbed, for "LINDA"
    Trev if you read this.. SHAME ON YOU. YES I KNOW YOUR AN ATHEIST>>>>>But there IS a GREATER Judge-whom believe me you will meet

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