I shouldn't be shocked but I am.

by reneeisorym 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • sweetface2233

    I am so sorry that this happened. I felt the same way the night my sistrer disowned me. I knew she would, I just didn't know when.

    I hope one day you will come back to us.

    Don't you love how they make it seem like you CHOOSE to be disowned? They are passing the buck so they don't feel like they are being complete assholes by cutting you out of their life.

  • Happy Harvester
    Happy Harvester

    Sorry about that, Renee. Abandonment sucks, no matter how old or young we are.

  • lovelylil


    so sorry to hear what has happened. Your mom is very confused right now and I feel sorry for her. You should too because her life is filled with works and never knowing if she is accepted by God. And you for one know you have a relationship with the Lord and are strong in the faith. I know it still hurts and a girl needs her mother. But I hate to say it, your mother is gone for now. The WT has infiltrated her mind and mixed up her thoughts. Instead of having natural affection for her child, she is taking a stand against you and feeling she is doing right in God's eyes. this is what the bible says will happen, that a sword will be put between mother and child, sister and brother, etc. She believes she is doing the right thing and nothing you say will change her mind right now.

    Please hang in there and stay strong. Let her know if that is the way she wants it then so be it but that you are always there for her when she comes around. And that YOU are not the one who Left HER, but SHE is the one Choosing not to be around YOU. I'll be praying for you. Peace, Lilly

  • reneeisorym

    By the way -- the only thing that helps is when people spout off angry rants ...

    So does anyone have any angry rants to share with me? I need to share my anger.

  • reneeisorym
    I feel sorry for her.

    Me too. I feel sorry for both of us that the WT had to come between us. I just hate that she got to experience going to church with me and seeing how wonderful my life is and then turning around and saying "come back to us" And thanks for your kind words lovelylil. I appreciate it so much.

    Don't you love how they make it seem like you CHOOSE to be disowned? They are passing the buck so they don't feel like they are being complete assholes by cutting you out of their life.

    AAAHHHHH -- I thought if she learned ANYTHING, she knew that I wasn't going back to that hell-hole! I think that's what hurts the most! How on earth could she see how happy I am in Christ and suggest that I will go back?!!! She even told me that she could see how my life was "beautiful" and yet she suggests that??!! AHHHHH!

    Abandonment sucks, no matter how old or young we are.

    Happy Harvester, My thoughts exacly!

  • Happy Harvester
    Happy Harvester

    I wonder what you will find if you type "angry rants" into the search function here? More than you're asking for, no doubt.

    Edited to say that as of 2:49 pm edlt, well over 18,000 results for angry rants in both text and titles on all topics.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Hi gal , it's too bad your mother can not find her self without the help of some corrupt men brain washing her, that is sad in it's self

    It's sad too that religious beliefs has in many times decimated family unions and togetherness

    JWS. have destroyed many families and relationships, sorry to say that but it looks like your about to become another statistic in this phenomena

    as many here have also experienced this very thing......take care

  • JWdaughter

    Your mom is acting ugly. But your cat sure is a beaut.

    I am sorry that you are experiencing this from her. Maybe it is time for you to let them 'die' in your heart. She can play those games with you for the rest of her life, and i don't think she is much older than I am. So she gets to live in that dirge forever. Someone warned you before to guard your heart, and I sense that you have been, as you know her better than any here do.

    I hope you can make peace with this and move on in the life your mom recognizes as beautiful. It is sad, that she, among those happiest of people, is in a miserable marriage and part of a religion that is miserable and hurtful as well. I guess she can be alone for the rest of her life knowing she is going to spend eternity in paradise with your dad and w/o you. Woo woo.

    You deserve better than that, you know it and so does she.

    blessings, Shelly

    edited to say I wanted to RAVE, but I think your mom is a raving fool already. No offense, but she isn't too bright. It must have skipped a generation, cause you got your smarts from somewhere other than your parents. I do have to say that my first fantasy of 'bitch slapping' did happen as I read your post. Over the last few months I have thought your mom was messed up, but now-well, this last post make me want to haul off on the woman. I have never hauled off on anyone though, so like I said, its just a little mental picture I allowed myself:)

  • Mary

    Hi Rene;

    That really sucks. Especially as there is no scriptural grounds for the extreme form of shunning that the Witnesses do. I'm not sure if your mom would read this, but I think you should send her this link that proves that the WTS's demand that people cut family members off, has no scriptural backing. It just might open her eyes:


  • Fleur
    I love you baby girl, your still my heart.

    Sorry to say this, but love is shown by actions, not by words or warm squishy sentiments. She may have a feeling of love. Doesn't the Bible say faith without works is dead? I'd say love without works also is dead or inactive.

    Gopher hit the nail on the head here. People can say they love you all day long while they try to manipulate the ever living hell out of you in the meantime.

    Love is what love does.

    I'm so sorry that you have to go through all this. My mother has pulled similar stuff on me, and tries still ,every freaking chance she gets.

    I'm just so sorry.



    p.s. your kitty is precious. They do help, don't they???

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