JWs Were At Sept.-Oct. 2007 Org. For Security & Co-Op In Europe (OSCE) Mtng

by Justitia Themis 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    This OSCE conference occured just this month.


    Scroll down to NGOs. JW associated NGOs are numbers 10, 93, 94, 243 and 328.

    Also, they "convened" a meeting. Scroll down to September 26, 2007, Room #2, from 13:00-15:00 hours.


    Here is some information for those who are unfamiliar with the background and function of the OSCE:





    By Awake! correspondent in Portugal

    AFTER World War II, a power struggle arose between Western democratic capitalist countries and the Eastern Communist Soviet bloc. Each bloc developed its own security organization: the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in the West and the Warsaw Pact in the East.

    By 1975 the Cold War had thawed enough for 35 States, including the United States and Russia, to sign what came to be called the Helsinki Agreement. The Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) was born. It was a multilateral forum for dialogue and negotiation between the two blocs.

    At the Budapest Summit in 1994, the CSCE changed its name to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). Today, it is composed of 54 participating States, including the United States, Canada, and all the countries of the former Soviet Union.



    The objective of the member nations of the OSCE is to guarantee the security of Europe as well as to foster the implementation of human rights, disarmament, democratic freedoms and the management of regional conflict.

    A summit meeting of the OSCE was held in Lisbon, Portugal, on December 2-3, 1996. At first, attention was focused on NATO, since several NATO members, including the United States, are in favor of the expansion of NATO to include more nations from Central and Eastern Europe. But rather than support the enlargement of NATO to include former Eastern bloc allies, Russia and some of her former Eastern bloc allies want the OSCE to become the forum for matters of European security.

    The Russian prime minister, Viktor Chernomyrdin, said at the meeting: "We are in favor of strengthening the OSCE, which is the only place in Europe where all States can work together. It is the best international place for discussing security and defense."

    The radiant afternoon sun seemed to create a climate of general optimism at the close of the summit, despite the comments of the press regarding its nebulous results. Whatever success or failure the OSCE may realize, peace lovers everywhere can be assured that true peace and security will soon be realized earth wide under the rule of God’s Kingdom.—Psalm 72:1, 7, 8.


  • lawrence

    Very interesting! Imagine, this is from the charter:

    ... human rights, disarmament, democratic freedoms and the management of regional conflict...

    The WTS does not engender "human rights" nor "democratic freedoms" -- this makes me laugh as hard as when China got free trade status, because of its record. HAH!

    Management of regional conflicts -- The WTS wishes Armagedddon on all of them.

    Disarmament - The WTS will pray for all souls to perish, and the birds will have a feast.

  • yknot

    So much for not being part of the world........

    I see when the WTBS got thrown off the Beast, it found another to ride, drunken.

    Makes you wonder why Jesus didn't go and make friends with Pontius Pilate, since he was the "governemental authority".

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    While I could understand why a religious organization, especially one that proselytizes like JWs would want to attend such a conference. Working the political process makes sense but I thought we believed that God's Kingdom was going to solve mans problems. I could come up with a bunch of quotes on how the WTS has over the years discouraged and outright banned using the political process to effect change. I've heard WTS representative compare working the political process to rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. Historically, the WTS has always used the courts, but ever since they realized that it is much easier to get things done by engaging in the political process (1992-UN

    Affiliation ) its like they can't miss an internation conference of this sort. Of course, there's nothing wrong with engaging in this sort of discussion, it is the hypocrisy of forbidding me to try to effect change on a local level through the political process (voting will still get you df'ed in the US) while they go around lobbying international organizations with this objective:

    The objective of the member nations of the OSCE is to guarantee the security of Europe as well as to foster the implementation of human rights, disarmament, democratic freedoms and the management of regional conflict.

    Association of Full Gospel Christian Churches

    B'nai B'rith International

    Campaign Against Homophobia

    Church of Scientology; Human Rights Office

    Foundation of Regional Initiatives

    Republican Association of Churches of Evangelical Christians-Baptists of Tajikistan

    So, they can rub elbows with these folks (I had to put in the campaign against homophobia because they obviously haven't read any WTS literature) yet if I join the YMCA to use their workout facilities, I'm practicing interfaith??

    Sorry about the red, not sure how to change it back. I know I shouldn't get annoyed but these guys are something else.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    The hidden hypocrisy of power

  • changeling

    Thank you Justicia!

    What are they NGO's of? OCSE? Do we have something to support this? Please send me all you have.

    Thanks again,


  • Happy Harvester
    Happy Harvester

    It never fails to amaze me (at least since coming to this board) how much hypocritical sh*t this organization can step into, and still come up smelling like roses to my family.

    It's understandable that it pisses you off.

  • Gopher

    Justitia -- NOTE -- in your initial post 3 hours ago, you said:

    Also, they "convened" a meeting. Scroll down to September 26, 2007, Room #2, from 13:00-15:00 hours. http://www.osce.org/documents/odihr/2007...609_en.pdf

    Now it seems that link has disappeared. I get a '404' error.

    Either that link isn't correct, OR -- someone removed it in the last 3 hours. You wouldn't think someone is monitoring this site now, would you? (Too many inquiries from an "apostate" website -- OMG)

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    What are they NGO's of? OCSE? Do we have something to support this? Please send me all you have.

    Dear Changeling:

    Please check the links in my original post. Also, try performing a search of "Jehovah" on their website.



  • skeeter1

    The tangled web the Society weaves, when it deceives.


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