I'm not a JW but today's posts have left me so sad

by oppgirl63 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • oppgirl63

    After reading some of todays posts, incuding the one started by reneeisorym( http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/144783/1.ashx), I can't help but fee so sad for all of you who have been hurt by the WTS and their stupid policies.

    For the life of me, I can't understand how any parent can do this to their child, no matter how old the child is. As far as I'm concerned, it's child abandonment and child abuse.

    I'm not a JW and none of my family are either, but I live with one and see first hand the hold this religion can have on people. At least my roommate is the only JW in her family. She'll never have to worry about losing them.

    To all of you who have left the JW's...for whatever reason, I know it took a lot of courage because you all knew the price you would have to pay. I applaud and admire all of you. Hopefully one day, all the people who are shunning you will come to their senses and see the cruelty of it all. I've been reading this board for about 4 years now and I'm constantly flabbergasted by the things I read. It's unbelievable and I don't think people who aren't JWs can ever comprehend it.

    Sorry if this is long but it's something I've been wanting to say for a while. You all have a piece of my heart.

  • Gopher


    That wasn't too long!! As an ex-JW shunned by parents, I appreciate words of sympathy like yours now and again. The JW's are scared into doing this by their leadership, who lie and say "everlasting life" is at stake. It serves two purposes for the WTS: 1) It controls the inflow of possibly critical information from ex-members into the congregation/cult, 2) It enforces loyalty to the organization.

    As a side effect, my parents and other's like Renee's mom now have a substitute "family" placed into their life by the WTS. We (their children) are like distant relatives they once knew. And yet they're taught, in cult-like fashion, that we ex-members are the ones to blame for the family breakup. It makes it nearly impossible to reconcile, except on THEIR terms.

    And the WTS has the gall to claim they don't break up families.

  • RollerDave

    Too long?

    Darlin, your posts wasn't that long, go as long as you'd like.

    Can't get enough encouragement these days.

    Very nice, and thank you.


  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic

    Hi Oppgirl,

    Thank you for being so understanding. It is so very hard to convey how painful and devastating being a JW or an ex JW can be, being shunned by loved ones, but it looks like you have seen it for yourself.

    I really think that some religions should come with a government health warning. It is amazing and not widely known how destructive it can be to people.

    Your observation and sympathy for our pain is very much appreciated.


  • changeling

    Thank you for your kind words.


  • Merry Magdalene
    Merry Magdalene



  • flipper

    OPPGIRL- That was a very kind observation on your part for those of us who deal with the shunning issue! You are welcome in my wife and my corner any time. But please know that much of what some of us have endured has made us even stronger in our non-witness convictions, and yes if we hold to that, maybe someday our witness families will see the true light and get out. Thanks again, Mr. Flipper Peace out !

  • hubert
    At least my roommate is the only JW in her family. She'll never have to worry about losing them.

    Don't be too sure of this, Oppgirl. She is taught to try to indoctrinate anyone she can, and that especially includes her family. That also includes you, too.

    Try to get her to read "Crisis of Conscience" by Ray Franz. If she reads this book, she will be on her way out, big time.

    These stories make me sad also, Oppgirl.


  • nvrgnbk

    Chin up.

    Your compassion is appreciated.

    But we're all 100% sane.

    Here's an ex-JW eagerly awaiting some proseletyzing JWs...

  • watson

    NVR, where'd you get that shot of Danny?

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