~~~Keep on ApostaTruckin'~~~

by RollerDaughter 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • RollerDaughter

    yeeeey!!! i'm so excited!!

    Tonight i really drove the Apostatruck, hehe! i drove it around, to the grocery store, and to my school. Rock on!

    little, 5'1 me, in the 7 1/2 ft tall, 21 ft long, butt kickin machine!

    it was so cool! a little scary though lol, i felt so tiny!!! but getting used to it =D

    yes, very very fun.

    Angie, of the "If you don't like my driving, get off the sidewalk!" sheep class

  • JK666


    Papa actually let you drive it? Roll on little girl, roll on!


  • RollerDave

    It really was a sight!

    Lil' ol' Angie driving that massive truck around, made my ol' Roller heart proud.

    She done good, all the hippies and vegans in their Pious and Blecho hybrid econo-weenie-boxes gave her plenty of space.

    She handled it like a chip off the old blockhead himself!

    She only has her permit, I think it's time she took that test.

    Then I'll let her out on her own to terrorize the timid, bring the thunder and shake the ground.


  • RollerDaughter
    Papa actually let you drive it? Roll on little girl, roll on!

    lol yep! why wouldnt he? hehehe

    i do have my permit :D


  • NewYork44M
    "If you don't like my driving, get off the sidewalk!"

    I may love your driving, but I am staying off the sidewalk.

  • Tara

    LOL. Too funny! Good for you!

  • rolling rock
    rolling rock

    Ok... So I come home to MN, for 2 weeks, and now there is some crazy young lady driving a rig on the sidewalks?
    Please stay out of the north metro! ;)

  • RollerDave

    Oh now THAT'S power, a train!

    Of course, it's kind of hard to sidle up behind a weeniebox in a train and fill their rearview with grill...

    But you get that horn... hmmm

    It would be pretty awesome to drive a train.


  • RollerDaughter
  • Gopher

    Here's a younger version of a girl with your spirit -- enjoy!


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