Radical Apostasy v Liberal Apostasy

by diamondblue1974 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • freyd

    All great leaders were at one time considered radical.

  • Junction-Guy

    My goal is not to bring them out of the WT, it is to prevent them from ever wanting to join this cult to begin with. Honey attracts alot of flies, but sh-t attracts them more.

  • Finally-Free

    The last thing that would ever make me take anything seriously is an "in-your-face" approach.


  • Junction-Guy

    Oh, but people have no problem using the "in your face" approach on here with other posters.

  • Sirona

    I'm really grateful to some so-called "radical" apostates because if it were not for them, we wouldn't have the resources on the net that we have now. Those people who were so bothered by the WTS that they set up websites and forums and who facilitated things like the documentaries and silentlambs. Bill Bowen was critisised heavily by the WTS but look at what he achieved!

    The apostates who are more liberal are working behind the scenes, talking to the JWs they know (where possible) and making it clear that being ExJW can mean that a person is spiritual, but doesn't have to belong to a cult.

    However, I think some liberal ExJWs use an excuse so that they do F88k all to help the cause. The "oh I don't want to look like I'm persecuting them" crap doesn't really wash with me. The JW cult will always think its persecuted anyway, so whilst I don't go out with a banner, if JWism is discussed I never mince my words or flower it up for the sake of the cult members.


  • Junction-Guy

    Thank you Sirona, Im so sick of hearing about their "persecution complex" bullcrap.

  • Xena
    Similarly however we have Radical Apostates such as Danny who (despite his recent abhorent behaviour) are prepared to push boundaries and be seen in the public eye. The placade carrying, scripture shouting, watchtower burning apostates whilst to some might appear over the top, they have had a valid contribution to raising what are considered to be 'apostate' issues to the forefront of minds of insiders and those on the outside.

    I was going off the quote above as to what we were considering radical. I don't feel people who start websites like this one and/or form organizations to protect abuse victims to be "radical" per say.

  • diamondblue1974
    Take away alcohol, pot,pain pills, psch meds, and most XJW's wouldnt be living a good life.

    You have a valid point and I understand your position, and whilst I know some have need of these things I dont think it counts for all or most xJWs.

    Largely people move on, and usually without need for self medication; to suggest different doesnt empower xJWs it merely serves to support the contention from those still in the borg that everyone who leaves is a drug addict, alcoholic, and has mental health issues.

    Do you think we will see more activists or those who are more liberal (or even conservative lol).


  • wanderlustguy
    I'm a big believer in ' one catching more flies with honey than vinegar'.

    I'm down with this. Being bitter, picketing, mailing stuff, etc seems to be counterproductive. I have never, ever heard a single person who came out of the organization because of thse things, but I have heard of the opposite. Being angry and bitter just reinforces what the society teaches about us.

    Being successful in life and happy, and approachable does a lot more good as far as showing there is another way.

  • Junction-Guy

    bitterness fuels activism, if I were happy and content I wouldnt waste my time on any XJW forum or even oppose the Watchtower,

    Maybe God is allowing me to experience this because he knows I will be more apt to oppose the Watchtower.

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