Don't Try and Convert Me

by blondie 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tara

    Makes me think of that door sign someone posted yesterday that said something like,

    "You may have the word, but I have the rottweiler and he hates people who ring my doorbell"

  • stillajwexelder

    Good to see you posting Blondie. Hope your health is a little better

  • Fleur

    Having had people try to convert me to being Wiccan, having them beg my return to various flavors of Christianity, lobby for Buddhism and extolling the virtues of Hinduism, as well as other varied religious beliefs in this world, I no longer believe that JW's corner the market on pushy religious behavior. Religious people are just getting more pushy everywhere, in general.

    I have had to end a couple 'friendships' since leaving the JW's because people would just not accept that organized religion is never going to be a part of my life again. And they would not stop preaching.

    I understand this guy's message, but I can't agree with ever pulling a shotgun on anyone as his grandfather did. It could go off, and JW's may be annoying, but they don't deserve to die for going to your door. Maybe it wasn't loaded. I just think that scaring someone that severely is a bit extreme.

    I personally have considered getting a "warning, Apostate on Premesis" sign if needed for the window but JW's don't call on me anymore. I think the word is out at the local Cong. that the Devil lives at my address.

    I like the general message of this piece but somehow- the way it's stated seems kinda mean. :/ At least this guy doesn't have to worry about JW's bothering him now, wherever he is (RIP, dude.)


  • OnTheWayOut

    While I prefer the same thing Lewis writes of, being left alone,
    Moshe recently posted a personal story that I will try eventually
    instead of a dog named Catfish.

    He said the householder asked him to wait there, as they wanted
    to talk, but were in the middle of an important long-distance call.

    He said he waited about 30 minutes before deciding he had been had.

    Think of the families we can save if we hold them up for 10-15 minutes or
    longer and don't even have to talk to them.

    I suppose letting the dog loose would save families too.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro
    Think of the families we can save if we hold them up for 10-15 minutes or
    longer and don't even have to talk to them.

    True and most JWs I know would be more than happy to stand at the door for 30 min rather than go try talking to someone. The other group working with you could finish the whole block while your waiting! Win - Win

  • purplesofa


    thanks for sharing


  • funkyderek

    It's a standard JW bare-faced lie: "We're not trying to convert anyone, we're just encouraging people to read the Bible". Yeah, right. That's why they have experiences at assemblies where people tell how many people they encouraged to read the Bible.

  • tijkmo
    I agree about the note part, we dont use notes in my church, if they ever did I would bail quickly.

    you have got to be kidding

  • lovelylil

    Once out in field service I entered a yard and the householder opened his front door. Out ran a very large black dog. I immediately asked, "does he bite?". And the householder replied "only Jehovah'sWitnesses". Needless to say, I left in a hurray. Lilly

  • Confession

    "Don't try to convert me," yes. "Why do they have to go around trying to convert everyone?" We heard this all the time, didn't we? I think there's one thing that would help people understand why JWs do what they do.

    While some people are very devoted to their religions, let's face it, most are not. Even among those who claim strong devotion to Christianity, most don't ordinarily believe that dedication to their specific church is required for God's approval. I'd even say that, when most of them are questioned, they'd admit they're not completely sure the Bible has been accurately handed down to us.

    But JWs? They are unshakeably convinced that the Bible is the perfect, unalterable Word of God--and that it is ONLY by putting your faith in their particular group's authority structure that you will be in an approved condition with God Himself. Don't believe in the WTS? You die.

    Remember: the house is burning down, but the poor, misguided, stubborn householders can't see it and won't listen to you...

    So it's not just because they're weird. Not that they simply can't get along without YOU in their religion. Not that they have some sick love of dashing your existing religious beliefs--although some may. The idea is they believe they're saving your life by coming to your door. Not to mention that they believe if they don't come, they themselves will be destroyed.

    So once you know this, you can stop scratching your head, wondering why in the hell they keep coming around. I'd suggest something like this...

    "I've had many conversations with many Jehovah's Witnesses over the years, and have read much of your literature. I know you believe you have the only truth, but I believe you're wrong. I appreciate your concern, but I'm requesting to be placed on your "Do Not Call" sheet. That said, I'd also suggest--as open as you want others to be about considering your religion--that you be just as open to considering theirs."

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