What's Your View of Spiritism Now???

by minimus 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Leolaia

    One of my favorite quotes from the Society on superstition:

    *** w87 11/1 p. 7 True Religion Dispels Fear — How? ***

    Just as the tropical morning sun evaporates the heavy dew of the rain forest, the light of Bible truth dispels all superstitious fear

    Ah yes, those lucky JWs, so free from superstition!! Makes me yearn for the days I was among them, I had no superstitious worries in the world!

  • reneeisorym

    I'm not scared of them now because I believe God will protect me. I was afraid to watch anything with demons in it when I was a JW. Now I will watch it if I want to. I will not go to fortune tellers or the like but I am not afraid either.

    My mother swears she had a demon in her house once. I swear something fishy was going on in a house I used to live in. (Cat screeched a lot ... doors opened and closed on their own ... men appeared and disappeared) but I wasn't a Christian then. I think God protects me now.

  • lovelylil

    My kids and I love watching Ghost Hunters on the Sci Fi channel. What I like about it is that the investigators do not claim every house is haunted and they set out to dispel that it is a haunting. They try to do it scientifically. I think they do a good job of looking at the evidence. Usually there is a rational explaination for the "bumps in the night".

    Not always though. And since I was a child I always had a facination with ghosts and spirits. I really did have an experience with what I feel was a spirit when I was younger. And I believe that two of the investigators on the Ghost Hunters show also had paranormal experiences in the past which is what got them interested in these investigations.

    I don't particularly care for people who claim to talk to the dead and I don't go anywhere near ouiji boards. I believe the ouiji board is what did bring the spirit up when I was younger and it was a terrifying experience. I literally pee'd my pants. So I never want to go there again. But at the same time, I watch horror movies, read Stephen King and watch Ghost shows. I think there are people who experience hauntings (for lack of a better word) but that it is very rare.

    One more thing; as someone who really did have a paranormal experience in the past, prior to becoming a Jdub, I used to laugh at all the witnesses who blamed every bad thing that happened to them on the demons and satan. From my experience, satan and his minions don't really give a hoot about me and I am sure have better things to do then follow me around and blow the tire out on my car. Lilly

  • diamondblue1974
    I don't go anywhere near ouiji boards. I believe the ouiji board is what did bring the spirit up when I was younger and it was a terrifying experience. I literally pee'd my pants.

    Gosh, this sounds horrendous.

    People use such instruments not fully realising what they are playing with - there are negative spirits as there are positive just as there are good and bad people. Its frightening to hear about so many that do not put in place any or little form of protection before doing using Ouji boards and this is what I think probably led to the experience you had and no doubt the end result.

    Not surprised you avoid them like the plague!


  • lovelylil


    I agree with you. I also believe there are good and bad spirit or "energy" as some call it. I was young so I did not know what I was getting into to. It was a terrrible way to learn but I am glad I learned the lesson.

    You said something about protecting yourself before using a ouiji board. Not that I would use one again but I am curious what you meant by that? Lilly

  • diamondblue1974
    Ah yes, those lucky JWs, so free from superstition!! Makes me yearn for the days I was among them, I had no superstitious worries in the world!

    No superstition, just a really prominent reoccuring bout of sarcasm!

    Great point - Jehovahs Witnesses, probably the most superstitious people in the world!


  • Scully
    those lucky JWs, so free from superstition

    LOL, yeah "lucky" indeed.

    Like the Urban Legend about the angel who protected to JWs from a murderer by showing itself when the JWs called on the murderer's house, but the poor Avon Lady who showed up next....

    Or the Smurf story where a toy smurf got up during a meeting at the KH and said "I can't take any more of this shit" while walking out the door.

    Or the destroy-everything-you-bought-at-yard-sales method of sussing out a "demon" in your house.

    Or the never-buy-anything-from-a-yard-sale-if-you-happen-to-see-a-ouija-board-for-sale-too method of bargain hunting.

    Or the If-you-watch-movies-about-demonism-you-are-inviting-the-demons-in method of entertainment selection.

    need I continue???

  • RollerDave

    Got no use for it.


  • Sirona

    I am pagan. Like Gary I use divination (not for fortune telling but for insight) and I have been known to have interaction with spirit beings.

    There are spirit beings and nature spirits in existence, I have seen them.

    When I left JWs I was afraid of all that stuff, but I am not afraid now. It has taken me a while, but I gradually overcame my fears. JWs instill fear and don't even put REAL faith in their god, Jehovah. As for me, I put actual faith in my gods and know that they will protect me.


  • minimus

    I remember NOT watching Unsolved Mysteries because of its spiritistic overtones.

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